from why_o_why - Tuesday, January 11, 2005 accessed 1089 times The Family / Children of God Cult the Same? For those of you who have seen the movie, "The Village" starring none other than a former member, you would have noticed the amazing links between this and TF. Creating monsters to scare one into never escaping to the real world which is just beyond the borders of the cult. You must watch it and compare.... My Review: "The Village" portrays real-life in The Family. The "leaders" creating monsters and spiritual demons to scare it's members from leaving it's circle of "God's Protection". Myself being a former member who escaped saw the movie as an expose of life in Zerby's (the leader's name)cult. They drive their members to suicide and now to murder as with Ricky Rodriguez, Karen Zerby's son, who just this past weekend murdered his former COG nanny then sadly commited suicide. Someone help them free! |