Getting Out : Inside Out
Help Needed - Purged pubs | from cog - Wednesday, March 21, 2007 accessed 1051 times erm.. I'm not on here much, but i was wondering if anyone can help, I'm the admin of the http://myconclusions.blogspot.com blog (not to be confused with www.myconclusions.com), and i need help with an article we are writing. I understand for the most part you people are moving on and have no interest in this, If so, i get that. But please do not bash/insult/mock/ridicule me personally. If you cannot help, well thanks for looking anyway, but if by any chance you can point me in the right direction, it would be very helpful. Thanks. Ok, so at the moment, i am looking for a Purged ML. the letter I need is: ML 1281 The Test Of Faith! – And Time With Kids! (Oct 11, '81) Vol. 13 I have already looked at the archives on exfamily.org, and they don't have it, but I'm not sure if there are known people who have their 'little stashes' or something of the sorts. thanks a lot, cheers. cog (Uh, i guess my email is in my profile?) |