from Marrie - Friday, January 05, 2007 accessed 1310 times
I think they're all phoney.
I was visiting with my sister in New Orleans on New Year's Eve and ran into.... guess who? I just thought the whole encounter was so, so phoney, it almost made me vomit! They were riding around in what they called a Prophet Bus -- it made me so mad, ruining what otherwise would have been a great start to 2007.
Yea, it is a shame thou didst not free the air being held captive in the bus tires. Yea, I shall grant a lifetime "Get Into Heaven Free" card to whomsoever he be of you who setteth my air free.
And his disciples said unto him; Master, with which of thine instruments shall we perform this deed?
For surely the Swichblade shall render the tire useless. The monkey wrench shall loosen the wheel nuts and then be cast into the rear differential.
By these shall we lay desolate the ox-cart of these false prophets, and there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.(reply to this comment)
From Phoenixkidd Tuesday, January 09, 2007, 11:58 (Agree/Disagree?) I probably would've tooted my plastic horn at them if I saw them...I think they stayed clear of the hellhold I was in on New Year's---Hollywood Baby!!(reply to this comment)