Getting Out : Inside Out
New Video Footage of YES/fellowships/ PI Jumbo and more Available on xfamily | from sarafina - Thursday, February 16, 2006 accessed 2104 times Regarding Videos and footage shown on the News/Media Dear fellow Peers, Many of you have voiced interest and have enquired about seeing more Video footage, esp. footage of teen camps, fellowships, and the homes which you saw glimpses of used in the news. I for one know how important these videos are to many of you especially due to the fact that most if not all of the few pictures and videos of many of us as children have been destroyed due to the many “purges” we were forced to go through. Some of you have even lost family and friends and perhaps you may find a glimpse of them in these videos to add to your memories. Some of you may have memory blocks and even forgotten certain events or places you have lived that may be jogged by seeing the people and places on these videos. I know for me it was overwhelming how much of my memory came back, details and names of people I’d forgotten once I saw them again on some of these tapes. Many of you have contributed so much over the past few years wither it be re-living your past, sending in your affidavits, donating money for projects like Rick’s Memorial, sending in your books even helping take in your peers. So this is something I really wanted to see done, specifically to give you back something only you would appreciate. These videos of our childhood will never mean as much to anyone as they will to us, it was our life; it’s our validation, our memories and our friends. (Note: Some of the content has been edited out, any nudity or inappropriate sexual content especially when minors were involved which would not be appropriate to host on a public format but will be preserved as evidence in it's original context.) There are many people who have been helping with this project, spending long hours transferring and converting the VHS footage to digital format, compressing and editing to make it available to you. Please thank Peter and all the other editors of www.xfamily.org and an anonymous group of people, for all the time and money they have invested and committed in making it possible for you to see this almost lost footage. And thank the many others who have sent in whatever videos they had in their own libraries to add for you to see and a big thanks to those who have contributed usage of their equipment and knowledge to make this happen. We are still in need of help especially with equipment like PAL VHS players and such to speed up this process or anything else you can help with such as time or money to help restore the tapes. Please email me if you feel you can assist in any of this. Below are the links to the available footage on xfamily.org. Updates will be available as more is posted. Enjoy! A Day At The Jumbo (12:33, 29.7MB)? 1987-10-27 Video tour of the Philippines Jumbo. http://media.xfamily.org/video/fam/internal/a-day-at-the-jumbo-1987-10-27.avi Fellowship At The Jumbo (1987 18:21, 43.3MB) Video footage from a fellowship meeting at the Philippines Jumbo. http://media.xfamily.org/video/fam/internal/fellowship-at-the-jumbo-1987-09-26.avi "One Wife" Class (8:55, 21.2MB)? 1987? Grant Montgomery teaches a class on the Mo Letter "One Wife" at a Y.E.S. meeting in the Philippines. http://media.xfamily.org/video/fam/internal/yes-class-one-wife.avi Class at Y.E.S. Meeting (4:36, 11MB) 1987 A class and prayer at a Y.E.S. meeting in the Philippines. http://media.xfamily.org/video/fam/internal/yes-class.avi Security Skit at Y.E.S. Meeting (2:58, 7.2MB) 1987 A skit about following security procedures. http://media.xfamily.org/video/fam/internal/yes-security-skit.avi |
Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from prince c Saturday, February 10, 2007 - 21:36 (Agree/Disagree?) that 1yr old kid in blue is me. thats the only recording or photo i have with my dad(the guy in blue with glasses). tx so much whoever posted it. "whatta family"!!! (reply to this comment)
| from mugthebug Friday, February 24, 2006 - 18:44 (Agree/Disagree?) wow that was creepy its odd it took me 3 days to actualy get the thing to play(thanks peter for the link to download) and the whole time i was really scarred about what i would see then i relised it wasn't the video that was made when i was there and i was so relived.btw does anyone if they ever did put out the video that was made in '88 about the teen camp? (reply to this comment)
| from monger Monday, February 20, 2006 - 13:33 (Agree/Disagree?) Incidently, Peter recently posted additional internal Family videos from the 80s on xFamily. The full collection of video's on the site can be found in the video archives, here: http://www.xfamily.org/index.php/Category:Video_Archives (reply to this comment)
| from cheeks Sunday, February 19, 2006 - 18:56 (Agree/Disagree?) I have down loaded everything and cannot make the darn thing work. I have a good computer but the thing just will not play. Is there any way it can be reformatted to make it more user friendly, for us computer illiterate people? Thanks (reply to this comment)
| From monger Sunday, February 19, 2006, 20:28 (Agree/Disagree?) If you are using Windows and want to make it work with Windows Media Player, click here: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/ffdshow/ffdshow-20041012.exe?download Select one of the download mirrors (whatever is listed as the first one is fine), then download and install the program (ffdshow, which includes the XviD codec which is what is needed). After that, open Windows Media Player and try playing the video file again. If you don't care about Windows Media Player and just want to make sure it works, try VLC media player, which includes the necessary codecs by default. Go here and select a download mirror: http://www.videolan.org/vlc/download-windows.html Install the software, and you can then use VLC to play the video files. These are basically the same instructions as Peter posted below, but targettted to Windows.(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | from porceleindoll Saturday, February 18, 2006 - 18:05 (Agree/Disagree?) Those were definitely strange to watch, I only got through 2 of them. It just brought back too many weird memories and emotions, and I spent the rest of the day with 'The Battle Hymn' running in the back of my mind. I wasn't at the jumbo, but it was pre-cursor to the HCS, and several of those people later showed up in Japan at the HCS. It's amazing to think most of those kids are now like in their 20s or older, and yet, some of my memories are right there, and still vivid and fresh as if it just happened. The way kids were raised, in groups, herded around, rigidly controlled, from demerit charts, to cleaning their beds up every single morning, to cracking over 100 eggs every day, and these guys were just kids, no freedom at all to just be kids, to be naughty, messy, uncontrolled, free. It was so strict, so so strict. My son is 10, we were playing chess the other day, and I made a comment on how I wasn't allowed to play chess, or cards, or uno for many years. He was totally baffled, 'What do you mean Mom!??' It was beyond his comprehension that I lived such a strict life. Yesterday he was asking me what he should do with his life, and I said he should do what will make him happy, but to finish at least a couple years of college. He doesn't want to, but I told him not to be like me, who has had to start so late in life to get at least on par with society in the education and job area. So he asked me why I didn't finish school, and I told him a bit about my life, postering, JJT, childcare, he was amazed. If he knew the full truth, well, I don't know. Maybe when he's old enough to understand it. And it again struck me how totally bizarre and different our upbringing was, and how unrelatable it is to the majority of the world, and at least in my case, how far it has set me back in certain areas of life, that I may never recover from it. And it makes me all the more committed to making sure my kids are raised happy and educated, and most of all with the freedom to choose their own path in life without my pushing them in any one direction. (reply to this comment)
| from mugthebug Saturday, February 18, 2006 - 16:21 (Agree/Disagree?) ok i have downloaded every thing and i still cant get it to play help (reply to this comment)
| from Friday, February 17, 2006 - 20:56 (Agree/Disagree?) can't seem to open video for "day at the Jumbo' with either Realplayer or Nero - it only works for audio. - Any ideas whether its my computer or the file itself? (reply to this comment)
| | | | | from mugthebug Friday, February 17, 2006 - 19:56 (Agree/Disagree?) just a question will we eventualy be able to order copies of these? (reply to this comment)