Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from neez Thursday, August 18, 2005 - 00:00
    (Agree/Disagree?) You certainly have a unique way of asking for help. (reply to this comment)
| from thinker711 Tuesday, August 16, 2005 - 19:23 (Agree/Disagree?) I think you need to lay off the pot and get serious about your life and your kids' lives. It sounds like you are in a bad situation and I sympathize with you, but you need to stop being such a pussy. You can't let your wife walk all over you. The first step is to improve your own life. You sound like a burnt out, drugged up hippy. Snap out of it. Get your shit together, then you can help your kids. It's hard to feel sorry for someone who is not doing anything for themselves. (reply to this comment)
| From roughneck Tuesday, August 16, 2005, 22:03
    (Agree/Disagree?) "...such a pussy" "You sound like a burnt out, drugged up hippy" "It's hard to feel sorry for someone who is not doing anything for themselves." I hate to take sides, but it seems you're being a more than a little insensitive toward someone who's obviously (and rightfully!) distressed about his kids being raised in a cult, not to mention factually incorrect* as well. (*Possibly, as I freely admit to not knowing anything beyond what's been written so far.) This much I will say: "Sad" is doing a helluva lot more for his kids than my exer dad ever did to get me out of The Family. Of course, our respective situations are only passingly similar, but to aver that he's just another whiny, drugged-up hippie based on this article (complete with not-quite-Shakespeare-but-damned-if-I'll-edit writing) alone is patently unfair. Just because someone likes to smoke the wacky tabacky doesn't necessarily mean that they're a "hippie", "loser" or other such ad hominem shite. The sixties called, they want their stereotypes back. Whenever it suits you. The sad fact is, a lot of social justice systems very much favour the mother in any kind of custodial dispute, no matter what sort of shenannigans said mother may get up to. It's sad but very definitely true that unless the father can prove beyond a doubt that the mother's actions are causing immediate detriment to the child in question, courts are loath to separate a child from its mother. If the legal system in his area doesn't consider The Family to be that terribly risky a place to raise a child, it is a *major* miscarriage of justice on their part, IMO. Blame the blameworthy, not the victim. All I'm saying is that to publically deride someone who is genuinely hurting whilst being less than fully informed on actual facts, is just... mean. -Pointlessly so to boot.(reply to this comment) |
| | from Nick Tuesday, August 16, 2005 - 14:22 (Agree/Disagree?) Dude, yoru almost as bad as them! You do not seem to be doing anything at all to get yoru kids out of that place. Don't give me the whole "lost passport" crap! If they do not give you the passport then go to yoru embassy and get new ones! Be a man and stand up for yourself and yoru kids. Your wife seems to know what a pansy you are and is taking full advatage of you. From reading your article this seems to have been going on for almost 9 months now. Do somthing about it! (reply to this comment)
| from conan Tuesday, August 16, 2005 - 13:20 (Agree/Disagree?) I hate to say it man, because it sucks that you don't have sole custody of your kids and all; but you're totally pathetic. Have you listened to yourself? I'm not entirely sure what the point of your article was as the grasp you have of written English is clearly minimal at best, but from what I did decipher, you're an easily manipulated pushover who has let TF not only ruin your life, but dictate the remainder of it too. Fuck! (reply to this comment)
| From conan Saturday, August 20, 2005, 12:23 (Agree/Disagree?) What the fuck?? This is my first time on this site in literally months....and I'm finding all sorts of recent comments with my name attached. Fucking password hackers! I didn't write the above, and as I have no idea what the original article said as it has since been removed, I have no comment to Sad or anyone else involved in this debacle. -Conan(reply to this comment) |
| | from PopNFresh Tuesday, August 16, 2005 - 12:18 (Agree/Disagree?) Maybe just it's because I'm irritable today, but your article really got me pissed off... at you! You are really pathetic! You are a 50 year old man who is out of the Family and yet you let your stupid wife and the Family push you around. There are people on this site who have been molested and abused personally who have more mental strength, maturity and responsibility than you, and you don't seem to have an excuse for your being so messed up. I can only imagine how the courts must be seeing you right now. Do you have any idea how important presentation is? You do not sound presentable! How can you handle kids when you are weaker than your own cultie wife? How can you make the case against the family when you go at it so weakly? I hate to say it, but maybe these kids are better off with social services than with either of their parents. Maybe I'm missing something but Grrr!!! (reply to this comment)
| From Sad Tuesday, August 16, 2005, 15:37
    (Agree/Disagree?) You judgemental pack of lame breins. I give you the chance to make a differnece and all you do is sit back and judge and do nothing just like you parents. Don't dare to challenge me on this one unless it is to my face and person to person. Don't talk to me about weak nick. You said you were sending a statement and you didn't. I don't even want to read your self rightous comments. Actually I will read themn later when my blood has stopped boiling and have a real good go at you guys. You are attacking the only guy educated and ariculate enogh to help you... and what do yoy do...idiots. I,ve got business to take care of now. I'll have a go at this later if it is worth trying to help you guys. How dare you talk about my kids and social welfare. I want to see some of your faces..you heartless idiots. You are all so clever with words but your actiona are pissweak. (reply to this comment) |
| | From neez Thursday, August 18, 2005, 00:27 (Agree/Disagree?) I was the one who said I would send you a statement(you do realise you're talking to more then 1 person right?) and then never heard from you till now. That was many months ago. I thought you might have been busy with your case but apparently it hasn't even started yet. Surely it didn't take you all that time to type up this narrative. I don't think I'll be sending anything after that display you just put on. The saying "don't shit where you live" comes to mind. Obviously your kids are better off out, so best of luck. Btw you could've just denied the tin was yours. I hope you have a good lawyer.(reply to this comment) |
| | From Nick Wednesday, August 17, 2005, 07:48 (Agree/Disagree?) OK "Sad", I have read all your comments and I have to say, I still do not think you have any excuse for your actions, or lack of actions with your kids. You can post all you want about how educated you are and how much you can "Help" us, (Although I really don’t see how we need your help with anything.) But the bottom line is that your letting your kids stay in that abusive sadistic environment and all you seem to do about it is toke on another joint and complain that your "life is in danger" and that you little wife is beating you up again. From reading the timeline on your post this is not just a short period of adjusting while you and your wife are breaking up, it's at least 9 months to a year! All that to say, why have you not gotten your kids out??? This is a simple direct question to you, Sad. Please explain how you can let your kids suffer that abuse for so long???? If that was my kid I would be in there with guns blazing threatening to cause all sorts of "persecution" for them and NOT LEAVE TILL I GOT MY KIDS. SO what’s your excuse???????? (reply to this comment) |
| | From Sad, meet spell check Wednesday, August 17, 2005, 06:48 (Agree/Disagree?) Flesch Reading Ease 86.2 Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level 4.5 You judgmental pack of lame brains. I give you the chance to make a difference and all you do is sit back and judge and do nothing just like you parents. Don't dare to challenge me on this one unless it is to my face and person to person. Don't talk to me about weak nick. You said you were sending a statement and you didn't. I don't even want to read your self-righteous comments. Actually I will read them later when my blood has stopped boiling and have a real good go at you guys. You are attacking the only guy educated and articulate enough to help you... and what do you do...idiots. I’ve got business to take care of now. I'll have a go at this later if it is worth trying to help you guys. How dare you talk about my kids and social welfare. I want to see some of your faces...you heartless idiots. You are all so clever with words but your actions are piss weak. (reply to this comment) |
| | | | From Sad, meet spell check Wednesday, August 17, 2005, 06:48 (Agree/Disagree?) Flesch Reading Ease 86.2 Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level 4.5 You judgmental pack of lame brains. I give you the chance to make a difference and all you do is sit back and judge and do nothing just like you parents. Don't dare to challenge me on this one unless it is to my face and person to person. Don't talk to me about weak nick. You said you were sending a statement and you didn't. I don't even want to read your self-righteous comments. Actually I will read them later when my blood has stopped boiling and have a real good go at you guys. You are attacking the only guy educated and articulate enough to help you... and what do you do...idiots. I’ve got business to take care of now. I'll have a go at this later if it is worth trying to help you guys. How dare you talk about my kids and social welfare. I want to see some of your faces...you heartless idiots. You are all so clever with words but your actions are piss weak. (reply to this comment) |
| | From Just an Opinion Tuesday, August 16, 2005, 18:19 (Agree/Disagree?) I don't think the people making somewhat harsh comments about your article are trying to attack you, I think it's more like they're trying to motivate you. A lot of us on this web site had a parent who was out of the Family for much of our lives. While some of them may have tried to find and save their children, the majority just went on with their lives in the system and left us to fend for ourselves in that madhouse. This is a painful subject to bring up, but in some ways I'm even angrier with the parents who left the Family early then the ones who stayed longer. You backslider parents knew better, you at least knew well enough to get yourself out, so why didn't you take us with you? Or at least come back for us later, once you got set up. Anyhow Sad, you managed to tromp on a lot of toes with this article, and that's why you got the bad reaction. To be fair to the SGA's who you call "judgmental", I bet if you were going to go rescue your children tomorrow they would be more than willing to help you. (Seriously, I've had my differences with Nick over the years, but if I wanted to spring my child from a Family compound, he'd be one of the first people I'd recruit.)(reply to this comment) |
| | | | From Just an opinion Sunday, August 21, 2005, 16:48 (Agree/Disagree?) Yes that's right huh, I'm speaking from a different orifice with no research at all to speak of. No research besides growing up in the group and knowing that like me, most of my friend's parents were separated, and in many cases one of the parents had left the Family. I can't give you exact percentages or anything, but a lot of people who I personally know on this web site grew up with one parent in, and the other parent out of the cult.(reply to this comment) |
| | | | From farmer Tuesday, August 16, 2005, 17:35 (Agree/Disagree?) powerful combination: comedian (intended/not intended??) & musician. Sorry, but I also had to laugh about that line, even if the situation is not so funny. Sad, I think you got some real sympathy in the past here, for which I really want to praise loud & clearly the cult-survivors.I don't know, if someoneelse in Australia could support you, but I think, you need help.The best for your kids (& even for your own sake) is a Dad - you!! - who got "his act" really together & that I mean in many different ways & the more successful you are, the higher the chances, that the "world/system" gets convinced, you're more worthy to raise the kids than your wife. As for the many cultsurvivors, who appear here & participate, I am deeply impressed, how much they fight, to have a better life inspite of all the odds & obstacles of the childhood, which were to overcome.Well, you were frustrated & had a sleepless night, but sometimes it helps, to apologize for being the "elefant in...." (Sad to say I misbehaved here too & the more I read, the more I understand, that it was damn tough to have been raised as a child in TF...so they have real patience here "with us"!!!!)(reply to this comment) |
| | From Sad Tuesday, August 16, 2005, 19:08 (Agree/Disagree?) First of all I tell you to stay away from labels and that I am not going to edit my article. So the first thing you do is check out what you think is my age, throw that back in my face and talk about your favourite subject or favorite to red necks (I'll go for a few labels now myself)..'English Gram'. The fact that I am educated is mocked by you because I don't present my article as if you were my target. Now you give me advice about the world system... about success etc and how it is hopeless to try any other way. I am a qualified social worker, accepted for a Masters yet you try to help me understand your superior intellect and rub that in my nose. Correct also in saying I am a musician/comedian...how does that fit into your picture of judging and labelling people? If I said I was a rock star what would you label me as then?... Or if I told you I worked with a Senator for two years how would that influence you? What success is it you are looking for? I gave you excerpts from conversations that give you no picture to what is going on, except to note the lying and abusive tactics of the Family and the hint that there are situations happening in the background. You assume I am doing nothing, without even knowing one fact and at least I am alive now instead of dead like the other guys you thought 'probably needed help'. I never bother to look at your profiles or try to make snap judgements about your lives. Mock and laugh all you want. Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit anyway. What did you think I was... some Family guy (like most of you are.. in your thinking processes) who was going to let you fuuc around with your egos, while venting your frustrations on an elder person? If you are all so articulate and intelligent and have such a 'sucky' command of the English vocabulary why can't you do anything but criticise and find fault. Some of you are not only victims of abuse but you abused children yourselves. Some of you love to kick a man when he is down just like your parents. If you want to let this one slip then don't whinge to me anymore. Your narrow mindedness bores me. You can have your wonderful life styles and gloat about your supposed success all you want. I don't need your sympathy..I only wanted some action from people I originally wanted to help. I don't need your approval and I have nothing to answer to you for. You do have some stuff to answer however...if you want a fight guys..you can have one..but never ever talk about my children in the manner you just have. Take some of your sucky job cash and fly over here and say it to my face or just shut up. Take your limited vision and inability to discern and stick it. I don't have time to indulge in your ego trips and label games or rash judgements. Like most Family people you take a limited amount of facts and paint a story with it. You do the same as your parents demonstrating a limited ability to think and judge. I do feel sorry for you all and I know not all of, just a few are power hungry guys that want to be recognized for their suckcess. If you guys have a patent on human suffering, and a way to disregard anything else as being everyone elses fault, then I have no time for the claims you are victims. I still don't want to check this response for spelling and grammer so make up another fatasy to indulge yourselves in while I do something constructive. You can take the person out of the Family but can you take the Family out of the person. I am starting to doubt it very much in most cases. (reply to this comment) |
| | From Sad meet spell check Wednesday, August 17, 2005, 06:43 (Agree/Disagree?) First of all I tell you to stay away from labels and that I am not going to edit my article. So the first thing you do is check out what you think is my age, throw that back in my face and talk about your favorite subject or favorite to red necks (I'll go for a few labels now myself)...'English Gram'. You mock the fact that I am educated because I don't present my article as if you were my target. Now you give me advice about the world system... about success etc and how it is hopeless to try any other way. I am a qualified social worker, accepted for a Masters yet you try to help me understand your superior intellect and rub that in my nose. Correct also in saying I am a musician/comedian...how does that fit into your picture of judging and labeling people? If I said I was a rock star what would you label me as then? Or if I told you I worked with a Senator for two years how would that influence you? What success is it you are looking for? I gave you excerpts from conversations that give you no picture to what is going on, except to note the lying and abusive tactics of the Family and the hint that there are situations happening in the background. You assume I am doing nothing, without even knowing one fact and at least I am alive now instead of dead like the other guys you thought 'probably needed help'. I never bother to look at your profiles or try to make snap judgments about your lives. Mock and laugh all you want. Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit anyway. What did you think I was... some Family guy (like most of you are, in your thinking processes) who was going to let you fuck around with your egos, while venting your frustrations on an elder person? If you are all so articulate and intelligent and have such a 'sucky' command of the English vocabulary why can't you do anything but criticize and find fault. Some of you are not only victims of abuse but you abused children yourselves. Some of you love to kick a man when he is down just like your parents. If you want to let this one slip... then don't whine to me anymore. Your narrow mindedness bores me. You can have your wonderful life styles and gloat about your supposed success all you want. I don't need your sympathy. I only wanted some action from people I originally wanted to help. I don't need your approval and I have nothing to answer to you for. You do have some stuff to answer however...if you want a fight guys...you can have one. But never ever talk about my children in the manner you just have. Take some of your sucky job cash and fly over here and say it to my face or just shut up. Take your limited vision and inability to discern and stick it. I don't have time to indulge in your ego trips and label games or rash judgments. Like most Family people you take a limited amount of facts and paint a story with it. You do the same as your parents demonstrating a limited ability to think and judge. I do feel sorry for you all and I know not all of, just a few are power hungry guys that want to be recognized for their success. If you guys have a patent on human suffering, and a way to disregard anything else as being everyone else’s fault, then I have no time for the claims you are victims. I still don't want to check this response for spelling and grammar so make up another fantasy to indulge yourself in while I do something constructive. You can take the person out of the Family but can you take the Family out of the person. I am starting to doubt it very much in most cases.(reply to this comment) |
| | From farmer Wednesday, August 17, 2005, 06:20 (Agree/Disagree?) "You are attacking the only guy educated and ariculate enogh to help you..." Please, Sad, if that wasn't intended humour, if that is what you really think, then I think you deserve to have trouble on this site.It's good to have some/plenty of selfesteem, but that is way too much.I do believe, that you have experiences, which are worthy to share here, others can benefit of, but the way you get it across, is a bit too negative - now of the participants here & otherwise, that is, your general outlook in life, from what I remember in the posts, although I know from own experience, that the fact & thought of being seperated from our beloved children, is very hard to overcome. I labeled you, that is right...I beg your pardon, for the ridicule you suffered, however you're also to blame for getting some scorn, for no matter how you put that above quote, it's just not right, see??? It's true, what roughneck said, in many parts of the world the mothers benefit from the judicial systems, as far as custody is concerned.So if you have no fair case, to get ahold of your children, then that's tough.And the sooner you realize that, the more you can calm down on that one.May be there are other ways, I hope so.I only meant, you do what you can & the way you expressed yourself here, didn't convince me or others, that you were so "presentable" as somehow required to win a case for custody.Perhaps I was totally wrong, however, how about updating your profile etc. It sounds like people should totally sense your abilities here beyond what you're willing to make public.I believe in spelling it out & yes, as roughneck said, also in spell/grammar checks or dictionaries...the rest someone else can correct ; ) ...but to me it proves some respect for the readers....although, I admit, the content is more important to me.Too bad though, if both content & language has too many deficits...in that case many help themselves at least with a disclaimer, that they were under the influence of some "spirits"...ok, you were mad/upset....but that's what many people are. Last not least, I am not really sure, what you expected here?I think some help & sympathy, some advise.Then you talk about being the only one to help....which help???Most seem to think, that it's rather the other way around, for if someone is not that "positive", then it seems, he needs help.The question is, by whom?I really don't think it's bad to make known the need for help, actually, I think it's normal...However, this is the "turf" of the survivors of the cult we helped to exist and as a former FGA I have misused the space here given mainly to the cult survivors to speak up, others than me were kindly(or sternly) invited to rather seek to post on a Ex-FGA-website.That's why I think, that people here had some real kindness & patience for you, mainly, may be, because they think of your kids. But I sincerely wish the best for your kids....them being out of the cult & some happy reunion...wish you well!!!(reply to this comment) |
| | From roughneck Tuesday, August 16, 2005, 20:01
    (Agree/Disagree?) Sad, Unlike several of the above commentators, I actually have considerable sympathy for your plight as stated above, having seen firsthand the ill effects stemming from a Family member parent restricting the other parent's access/control over, well, me! I won't get into specifics here, but I truly do know what you're talking about when you refer to the family's tactics as a "mind fuuc". (By the way, we don't mind the traditional spelling of that word on this site. Fuck, I fucking use it myself all the fucking time. :) That being said, you do seem to have a bit of a contradiction going on when you post an article replete with spelling and grammatical errors (ones typically found in seventh-grade essays, no less!), while at the same time claiming to be the "only one educated and articulate enogh(sic) to help you." If this article's the measure of "articulate" in Oz, all I can say is, daaamn, dude! (Perhaps it's merely the high quality of Australian adult beverages that's to blame for your grammatical whoopsies (see the movingon FAQ re: Grammar Nazis & alcohol {disclaimer: am currently legally drunk (and counting!) on our fine Canadian beer}). If this is indeed the case for you, gimme one, willya mate? :) Perhaps some of the animosity you've experienced on this site so far originates from the fact that every time something shitty happened to us kids in TF, the stock-standard response was "(shitty event)'s to 'help' you!". Because of this, some of us don't need or want "help" of any variety, and are quite forthright about saying so. I apologise (be I the only one) for the rude way that some of my compatriots have chosen to express themselves, and I truly hope that you're soon able to leverage your local Justice system into acting on your behalf in the speedy retrieval of your kids from the cult. In closing, I don't think it's eminently sensible for you to be quite so angrily aggressive on this site in the future. History has proven definitively that movingoners generally have little if any patience for "First Generation" cult members (however well intentioned) preaching at, heckling, harrassing or otherwise behaving like assclowns toward "Second Generation"-ers. Witness the crashes-movingon.org-because-it's-too-damn-big article regarding Jim LaMattery if you require additional information on the dynamics at play here. (reply to this comment) |
| | From Sad Tuesday, August 16, 2005, 22:21 (Agree/Disagree?) Someone mentioned that my children were better off with social services, in their angry and aggressive response to my post. That my friend, whoever you are, gives me the licence to say anything i want. I'm not interested in behaiving within a double set of standards where you fine citizens can classify people into your own categories. Heckling, Harrassing and assclowns are your own words. I don't give a damn about upholding any of your protocols. Nor am I interested in anyone speaking on behalf of the patience level of SGAs. I am not playing a game so I am not interested in your group dynamics for playing games. Group Dynamics was a subject I studied for over four years at University. I don't need anyone to explain to me the dynamics of this site... just like I don't need anyone to explain to me the dynamics of the Family. I am a fair person with an intolerance to prejudice and hypocrasy. If you want me to be a 'beating boy' for your frustrations while you scrutinize my spelling, you have picked the wrong guy. Some of your SGA crowd harrassed and injured my daughter on his way to freedom and others of you have stolen from me and my Family. It is not just as black and white as who was a cult member and when etc etc. When I came briefly on the scene most of your were grown up and wreaking your own kind of havoc in the Family. You can treat me with as much contempt as you want and anyone who personally knows me is welcome to visit or discuss anything with me. You cannot expect me however to allow you to talk about my children, in this way, regardless of your 'dynamics'. I don't need to show you degrees or drug tests or anything like that based on your assumptions. All documents have been supplied to the court and that is all that is necessary. Bye the way...to the person who said he couldn't imagine how the courts were viewing myself...the answer is that the Family defence has been able to keep adjorning and I have never spoken to the Magistrate yet. There has been no court case yet. I was hoping some of you would speak against the Family for me at the case. You all declined... so I don't see how I could depend on any of you should I decide to take matters into my own hands if the court case fail.. even Nick. To the person who said I was weak....don't judge until you know the facts which will probably be splattered all over the newspapers before long. Most of my friends are absolutely blown out by what happened to me in Thailand with the Government and Mafia.. neither of whom were as ruthless as the Family. ...Guns, assassinations, war games, hit men.., near death experiences. Listen mate you wouldn't have lasted a minute and you never would have been able to overcome the PTSD. Don't label me guy... there are a lot of other human terrors besides the abuse some of you guys may have experienced. It is unfortunate that this has happened. It certainly is your scene and your rules. I do apologize to those of you who were offended by my statements, yet had no feelings of ill intent toward my situation and/or children. I always welcome open minded people with good intentions. Will I come back to your site? I don't fucking know. I still won't run a spell check either. (reply to this comment) |
| | From Shaka Wednesday, August 17, 2005, 19:27 (Agree/Disagree?) I would stay longer and reply to this fascinating tale of intrigue about war games and hit men and such but Robin is waiting for me in the Batcave for another night of protecting the innocent from above mentioned Mafia assassins and the like. He's getting impatient and I haven't even changed into my spandex and cape yet.....Oh shit! Was I talking out loud? Crap. Now I have to kill you. (reply to this comment) |
| | From Sad, meet spell check Wednesday, August 17, 2005, 06:55 (Agree/Disagree?) Flesch Reading Ease: 71.3 Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level 7.5 Passive Sentences 8% Someone mentioned that my children were better off with social services, in their angry and aggressive response to my post. That my friend, whoever you are, gives me the license to say anything I want. I'm not interested in behaving within a double set of standards where you fine citizens can classify people into your own categories. Heckling, Harassing and assclowns are your own words. I don't give a damn about upholding any of your protocols. Nor am I interested in anyone speaking on behalf of the patience level of SGA's. I am not playing a game so I am not interested in your group dynamics for playing games. Group Dynamics was a subject I studied for over four years at University. I don't need anyone to explain to me the dynamics of this site... just like I don't need anyone to explain to me the dynamics of the Family. I am a fair person with intolerance to prejudice and hypocrisy. If you want me to be a 'beating boy' for your frustrations while you scrutinize my spelling, you have picked the wrong guy. Some of your SGA crowd harassed and injured my daughter on his way to freedom and others of you have stolen from my Family and me. It is not just as black and white as who was a cult member and when etc. When I came briefly on the scene most of your were grown up and wreaking your own kind of havoc in the Family. You can treat me with as much contempt as you want and anyone who personally knows me is welcome to visit or discuss anything with me. You cannot expect me however to allow you to talk about my children, in this way, regardless of your 'dynamics'. I don't need to show you degrees or drug tests or anything like that based on your assumptions. All documents have been supplied to the court and that is all that is necessary. Bye the way...to the person who said he couldn't imagine how the courts were viewing myself...the answer is that the Family defense has been able to keep adjourning and I have never spoken to the Magistrate yet. There has been no court case yet. I was hoping some of you would speak against the Family for me at the case. You all declined... so I don't see how I could depend on any of you should I decide to take matters into my own hands if the court case fail. Even Nick. To the person who said I was weak.... don’t judge until you know the facts, which will probably be splattered all over the newspapers before long. Most of my friends are absolutely blown out by what happened to me in Thailand with the Government and Mafia... neither of whom were as ruthless as the Family. ...Guns, assassinations, war games, hit men... near death experiences. Listen mate you wouldn't have lasted a minute and you never would have been able to overcome the PTSD. Don't label me guy... there are a lot of other human terrors besides the abuse some of you guys may have experienced. It is unfortunate that this has happened. It certainly is your scene and your rules. I do apologize to those of you who were offended by my statements, yet had no feelings of ill intent toward my situation and/or children. I always welcome open-minded people with good intentions. Will I come back to your site? I don't fucking know. I still won't run a spell check either. (reply to this comment) |
| | From PopNFresh Wednesday, August 17, 2005, 01:05
    (Agree/Disagree?) Sad, You wrote "stay away from labels" and then you turn around and use a number of labels on us. No biggie. As far as checking your age goes, that was not the first thing I did when I read your article. I kind of squinted, then sipped my drink, put it down, then checked your profile to see if I could find a "Gotcha!" line in your impressive (yes, that is the sarcasm you love) bio. I also wanted to see if I knew you, cause you seem a lot like the other 100+ ex-members (FGAs, not survivors) of the cult that I know. You say the fact that you are educated is mocked by me, when really I had no idea you had an education. I also never mocked your spelling because I know plenty of brilliant people who can't spell. I'm gonna skip over the stuff that is not relavent to my comments, as I did not attack your profession. But I will say that if you were a rock star, or worked with a politition for 2 years, I would have still written the exact same thing to the exact same post. I don't gush over celebrities so trust me, anyone who joined a cult is no exception. I am not looking for any success from you. You wrote: "I gave you excerpts from conversations that give you no picture to what is going on, except to note the lying and abusive tactics of the Family and the hint that there are situations happening in the background". I agree, there may be stuff that I am missing here, but I'm not going to feel sorry or even acknowledge your claim that your illustrations are examples of psychological abuse. In my opinion that is bullshit! The Family is extremely guilty of psychological abuse, but your example is not one I want to stand behind. You might as well say that marriage (or just yours) is psychological abuse. You have a strange wife, and The Family is strange, but by the way you presented the situations above, if that is what you consider psychological abuse, then I see you as simply weak. You have said most of us still have Family thinking processes, and I can't disagree with you more. What upset me most about your first response was when you said: "Some of you are not only victims of abuse but you abused children yourselves." You sure sound like someone who has some guilt issues. Do you wanna justify your own actions by claiming that we did it too? Well listen to me you fucking low-life asshole, we didn't choose to be born into a cult by sexual maniacs. You fucking joined it! I was personally abused someone who was born into the cult, but I have forgiven them because in my mind, they are more innocent than any FGA who never touched a child. Idiots like you fueled the cult by staying in it willingly, so idiots like you are to blame. And don't go accusing me of liking to kick a person while they are down. You, Sad, are permanently down, so when else can I kick you? In your situation, the only ones I feel sorry for are your kids. It sucks for them that they don't know how important it is for them to be out. It sucks for them that they had to be born into it. You are just working to fixing your own mistake, that doesn't make you a hero. I don't want or need your help. Where the fuck were you when I was leaving? Serving Jesus? "I am a fair person with an intolerance to prejudice and hypocrasy." At the age of 18 I was able to get my 15 year old brother emancipated from my Mom, so don't tell me I'm a hypocrite. It was hard, but I didn't let my mom "berating" me get in the way. I also didn't waste time cursing at family members, or pleading with any of them. I ignored them and did my own thing until the job was done. I didn't tell anyone "please stay away from my brother", I had the authorities take him away. "I was hoping some of you would speak against the Family for me at the case. You all declined... so I don't see how I could depend on any of you should I decide to take matters into my own hands if the court case fail.." You are saying this to a crowd that knows how bad the Family is, so if everyone has declined to help you get your kids back, perhaps you should figure out why. It blows my mind. And how are you going to take matters into your own hands if the courts fail? You want survivors of the cult to help you with this? "Listen mate you wouldn't have lasted a minute and you never would have been able to overcome the PTSD. " You might be forgetting some people on this site have been through severe sexual molestation, so go get your ass raped while being strangled by a laundry rope, and then come back and tell us about how we won't be able to overcome the Post Traumatic Stress Dissorder. "Will I come back to your site? I don't fucking know. " I sure hope not. Your comments have undermined the suffering of so many people here, so I hope you go "share" your problems with a rock. And to anyone who thinks I'm being harsh or unsympathetic, I've been there and done that, and I had nothing to go on. You can appreciate this guy for what he's doing, but I don't think it's that special. He owes it to his kids, it's not something that he's doing extra.(reply to this comment) |
| | From roughneck Wednesday, August 17, 2005, 00:58
    (Agree/Disagree?) Sad, You said "I always welcome open minded people with good intentions." Well, shit, that's me! My intention in the last paragraph of the grandparent comment was to perhaps avert yet another untimely banning of someone seeking help from the community who is going about it all wrong. I've been known to foolishly adopt lost causes and devil's advocacies. Mea culpa. To this end, perhaps for starters you might recognise the fact that (Oh my fucking GAWD!) not all movingoners are the same person, and that the person whose comment you commented on (ie, moi) was actually quite favourable to you and your current situation. ("Was" being past tense. You know, like, something that happened once, but is now a memory?) I can only surmise that in your breathless vituperative state this must have escaped your notice. As for the offense you've apparently taken, I think I've already done enough bowing and scraping for the indelicacies of my fellow posters, so I shan't bother with any more of that schtick. What do you mean by "I don't give a damn about upholding any of your protocols"? Does this mean you've abandoned common civility because someone else has? It's a shame you're willing to let other people decide how you're going to act, really. For someone who claims to have studied "Group Dynamics" for 4 years, you seem awfully ignorant of the notion that one catches more flies (or help, in your case) with honey than with vinegar. If you feel that you don't need the dynamics of this site explained to you, then fucking grow up and act that way already, instead of behaving like an angst-ridden adolescent showing off the middle finger and saying "fuck the world". I'm sure this is a really taxing thing for you, but please kindly stop trying to tell actual abuse victims that your plight is somehow more important or relevant than theirs by saying that worse evils exist in the world. (hint: Being as how that's basically word-for-word what TF has to say, you'll find that on this site, that comparison amounts to an all-round offensive statement.) If you honestly think that your personal fortitude exceeds that of some of the more severely abused people on this site, you've got another thing coming, buddy. Tell you what though, when you've been raped, tormented &/or beaten with a 2x4/belt/paddle until you're black and blue, (not just a couple wimpy wifepunches &/or sodium [though I suspect you meant "hydrogen"] peroxide on your kneesie-poo) I'll be sure to point out someone who's got it worse than you, as it will obviously be such a warm, fuzzy thing for you to be aware of, yea, minimising your pain to the point where it no longer exists! (Another hint: many people on this site have indeed not yet recovered from the PTSD incurred after their experiences growing up in TF. So kindly don't denigrate their suffering (in their own house, no less!) merely to garner sympathy for yourself. Oh right, you don't care about "protocol", and the whole goddamn universe revolves around you and your little custody fight with the psycho Family ex. My bad.) What do you have against spellcheckers? Is it perhaps a religious objection? If so, I'm sure there's one that's certified as Kosher/Halal out there. Or is it that spellcheckers unduly interfere with bashing out honest-to-goodness Days of Our Lives -esque gobbledygook? Do tell! While you're at it, is not using the correct possessive when referring to your daughter ("his" instead of "her") included in the "articulate" or "educated" part of your program? I can't tell. I do see that you've discovered how to spell "fuck" though. Well done! I won't impugn your obviously matchless command of the English language by pointing out the other several dozen inarticulate, uneducated errors you've made, as it just wouldn't be sporting at all. I do hope you manage to overcome your terror of spellcheckers before submitting documents to the courts, though. I promise it will help with the appearing educated & articulate program. To sum up, I'm not making you my whipping boy, for pent-up frustrations' sake or otherwise. I'm merely pointing out (in an admittedly sardonic way) that your style so far isn't one calculated for popularity in these here parts.(reply to this comment) |
| | | | From Sad Wednesday, August 17, 2005, 03:44 (Agree/Disagree?) Response: POPNFRESH SAID: “Well listen to me you fucking low-life asshole,” My response “Well come and visit me fucking high-life, red necked asshole”. Where the fuck were you when I was leaving? Where the fuck were you when my daughter was being burned by one of your sadistic friends? Do I know? “I didn't tell anyone "please stay away from my brother", I had the authorities take him away” Brilliant deducting except you weren’t going to get arrested genius. And how are you going to take matters into your own hands if the courts fail? You want survivors of the cult to help you with this? No I don’t want your help …IMO you run on negative energy…..everything would fuck up. Rougheads stuff. “I can only surmise that in your breathless vituperative state this must have escaped your notice. As for the offense you've apparently taken, I think I've already done enough bowing and scraping for the indelicacies of my fellow posters, so I shan't bother with any more of that schtick”. I wouldn’t rate it as a good passage. Alluding to the word schtick spoils the poetic theme of the breathless vituperative part. Indelicacies doesn’t quite cut it as appropriate. What didn’t escape my notice was that even in your ‘favorable response’ you just couldn’t help but echo the feelings of your peers. You take an extreme example of someone’s abuse and use it for emotional fuel. How about someone who was fed LSD for three months, raped, shot, beaten, tortured, slandered, psychologically abused, sexually abused, burned and kicked while unconscious. Would that rate on your heavy experience list? Yes it happened. “For someone who claims to have studied "Group Dynamics" for 4 years, you seem awfully ignorant of the notion that one catches more flies (or help, in your case) with honey than with vinegar” . You are dead right wonder boy. Vinegar gushes through my veins and it won’t stop for a minute until I finish my job. It seems like you’ve spoken on behalf of everyone. I won’t bother you anymore. I wish most of you the best. “To sum up, I'm not making you my whipping boy”. I don’t care if you do or don’t...but if you have something to say about my kids then please contact me personally and if you come to attack me, in the tradition of your wonderful country, please leave your bullies at home and be a man and face up one on one. That’s it. Write me off as a nut case. It’s better that way.....…my vinegar is far too sour for civil courtesies at the moment. (reply to this comment) |
| | From Sad, meet spell check Wednesday, August 17, 2005, 07:01 (Agree/Disagree?) Flesch Reading Ease 74.8 Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level 6.0 Passive Sentences 6% Response: POPNFRESH SAID: “Well listen to me you fucking low-life asshole,” My response “Well come and visit me fucking high-life, red necked asshole”. Where the fuck was you when I was leaving? Where the fuck were you when my daughter was being burned by one of your sadistic friends? Do I know? “I didn't tell anyone "please stay away from my brother", I had the authorities take him away” Brilliant deducting except you weren’t going to get arrested genius. And how are you going to take matters into your own hands if the courts fail? You want survivors of the cult to help you with this? No I don’t want your help …IMO you run on negative energy…everything would fuck up. Rougheads stuff. “I can only surmise that in your breathless vituperative state this must have escaped your notice. As for the offense you've apparently taken, I think I've already done enough bowing and scraping for the indelicacies of my fellow posters, so I shan't bother with any more of that schtick”. I wouldn’t rate it as a good passage. Alluding to the word schtick spoils the poetic theme of the breathless vituperative part. Indelicacies doesn’t quite cut it as appropriate. What didn’t escape my notice was that even in your ‘favorable response’ you just couldn’t help but echo the feelings of your peers. You take an extreme example of someone’s abuse and use it for emotional fuel. How about someone who was fed LSD for three months, raped, shot, beaten, tortured, slandered, psychologically abused, sexually abused, burned and kicked while unconscious. Would that rate on your heavy experience list? Yes it happened. “For someone who claims to have studied "Group Dynamics" for 4 years, you seem awfully ignorant of the notion that one catches more flies (or help, in your case) with honey than with vinegar”. You are dead right wonder boy. Vinegar gushes through my veins and it won’t stop for a minute until I finish my job. It seems like you’ve spoken on behalf of everyone. I won’t bother you anymore. I wish most of you the best. “To sum up, I'm not making you my whipping boy”. I don’t care if you do or don’t...but if you have something to say about my kids then please contact me personally and if you come to attack me, in the tradition of your wonderful country, please leave your bullies at home and be a man and face up one on one. That’s it. Write me off as a nut case. It’s better that way...my vinegar is far too sour for civil courtesies at the moment. (reply to this comment) |
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