Getting Out : Inside Out
I lived in over 40 homes growing up! | from Phoenixkidd - Thursday, July 14, 2005 accessed 1622 times I lived in over 40 homes growing up... Ok so on Monday there was hardly anything to do at work..very unusual.. So I put together a spreadsheet of all the homes I lived in from age 3 to 22. This is from my earliest memories to when I finally left The cult. I found out I lived in over 40 homes. That's roughly 2 a year. Throughout most of my childhood the average time spent in a home was 3 to 4 months! No wonder we didn't get any schooling done. Compare this to one of my good friends who grew up in normal society and only lived in 4 places. If I was more tech savvy I could add a link here. Places lived include HCS, Osaka school, Victor camps in Matsumoto, Dorm and Kamakura, and going way back National Combo with Faithy in 85' , to name a few infamous places. Growing up, like most of you, I kept a fleebag and one suitcase. I left my parents at age 12 and don't know my 4 younger siblings on a personal basis. It's like we are two seperate families. I guess I have an above average memory remembering places, dates and people, I think this comes from being so involved in day to day operations with adults while growing up. Hit up here for any of your rant and raves on the subject. |
Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from iratepirates Thursday, March 09, 2006 - 19:58 (Agree/Disagree?) And to believe Berg said that kids love change (reply to this comment)
| from Joey Friday, February 03, 2006 - 15:56 (Agree/Disagree?) My mum kept a record of everywhere we stayed (secretly obviously) and I copied the list after we left TF from the time I was born and at age 12 I was at 52 houses ( that's just over 4 a yr )( didn't count the fleeting 1 weekers either! ) I've kept the log going and Since leaving I'm now up to a total of 74. Being 30 yrs old that makes it an average of about 2 1/2 houses a yr. The longest we ever stayed in any one place in TF was 9 mths which was unheard of in India at the time. We never bothered unpacking the suitcases, ever! I recall getting horribly itchy feet when we stayed in our second place back here in Australia as we were there for 6 1/2 yrs. After that I left home ( At 17 ) and suffer from the itchy feet syndrome after about 1 yr in any one place. Funny old game! (reply to this comment)
| from joyfromgreece Friday, February 03, 2006 - 09:34 (Agree/Disagree?) lol 49 for me...no wonder i now get itchy feet! (reply to this comment)
| from porceleindoll Monday, July 18, 2005 - 17:18 (Agree/Disagree?) I've done this before, it would be impossible to accurately add up how many homes I lived in, but I counted 46 homes in 10 countries, and that doesn't include all the different houses I lived in on the HCS properties, cause I figured it was still technically the same 'Home', and it doesn't count several small bounces back and forth between 2 different homes, not sure how to include that. All in all, it's a lot of moving. Amazingly, where I live now I've been in the town for close to 7 years now, and we lived in one house for 5 of those, the longest I had ever lived in one house, or even one town, in my entire life. (reply to this comment)
| from SeanSwede Friday, July 15, 2005 - 14:25 (Agree/Disagree?) Yup! Been there and done that a hundred times over (reply to this comment)
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