Getting Out : Inside Out
Archive of Family art online | from monger - Thursday, June 09, 2005 accessed 2869 times FYI, an extended archive of Family art is now online at XFamily. (Of course, if you have stuff you'd like to contribute, that'd be great.) We also have a bunch of GN cover art by Tamar that will eventually be posted. |
Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from true Wednesday, June 15, 2005 - 19:43 (Agree/Disagree?) hey ex cult people see my new paintings under new images or my images under true (reply to this comment)
| From GoldenMic Wednesday, June 15, 2005, 22:00 (Agree/Disagree?) True, I have to admit that your recent postings, with all the bad grammar, are difficult to get through, and I almost started ignoring all your posts. I am certain that would not have bothered you at all, nor should it, but it would have been MY loss, since I would not then have viewed your gallery. I admit I am not an artist, so my opinion is unlikely to mean much to you, but I am frankly VERY impressed. You are actually very good. I live in San Diego, too, and I would like to see some of your work. Could you post here or to GoldenMic@aol.com with locations of your work or your next showing? Thanks.(reply to this comment) |
| | From true Wednesday, June 15, 2005, 22:37 (Agree/Disagree?) you dont have to be a artist to like art. yet to be a artist you have to be obsesed. the other people that are obsesed ar the colectors the artist best friends :) any way i do have two places in little italy that show my art how ever you can call me and i will show you my studio and i will give you a better price 619 234 0315 true(reply to this comment) |
| | from true Wednesday, June 15, 2005 - 12:40 (Agree/Disagree?) well it seems we have failed the family is too strong to fight they are like the mafia ...... ricky did not change any thing and his death still raises questions there should have been a goverment investagation and why did he kill a ex member in stead of some one now in the family.she may have still been brain washed but it take at least 5 years to get over it show she may have seen how wrong she was over time ..... so i change and say that maybe killing them may not be the best why to fight back. i still feel sopme of the family should be locked up for life.. maybe if all the ex member go on a hunger stike and say we will fast like the family use to force us to do till the goverment bans the family. by the way the family has two high up sheperd homes in san diego. i thnik we may at this time give up and get by the best we can by drinking and doing drugs parting at least if we do every thing the family wont let you do maybe some day there could be hope in geting some of the people to see how wrong that they are and leave the cult...... true (reply to this comment)
| | | from true Tuesday, June 14, 2005 - 15:32 (Agree/Disagree?) every one that has posted below myself as well are ingnit so only read on if you want also to lower your IQ......... (reply to this comment)
| from Haunted Tuesday, June 14, 2005 - 06:44 (Agree/Disagree?) Monger - I have a lot of posters including the "Devil Hates Sex" and the "Heavenly City" - how would I get these to you to include with the posters you already have? (reply to this comment)
| | | from true Monday, June 13, 2005 - 22:29 (Agree/Disagree?) well i guess i should say somthing about my art a tell you why people get mad at my style (this by the way is a reaction and that is what every artist wants) i know about art and know what other people think of my art some dont like it some pay over 4000$ to have one of my paintings for them self. i have my own style and part of that stlye is copying other art that this is some thing that artist have done forever . i do not how ever copy family art as i hate the family yet it makes you who you are today i do not trace or print i draw and paint and in so doing i lear from the mast say some thing about how i feel about the work and say that i am now better than you because i can paint as well or better that you if you are not a artist you cant really judge because you are not in the know enough art is a history that teaches that there is no God no right or wrong but there is you and the artist and we are speaking to you when you feel a painting like that then i have done my job that is not a easy task and if you feel anger or love or joy what you have learned is that every one is only them self and like no one else just like every artist is like no one else and no matter how much i would try to copy a work of art by anther artist what i want to say will still come though. i am one of the best new aritst from 2002 on and i will battle any would be artist in my skill my workmanship and amount of work done 539 oil paintings (only 20% are copy of anothers work the others are landscape still life abstact and the human form) and over 7000 drawings and water colors . only kings of art dare enter here!!! and to you real artist you are an the same life as me to you i bow. let us keep up the war of art and the new the now and the life. every one else you are all from the family let us show the rest of the ingnit the truth....... -TRUE- (reply to this comment)
| | | From roughneck Tuesday, June 14, 2005, 00:07
    (Agree/Disagree?) OK, I was going to go to bed, but I guess that can wait. I figure I might as well write while the subject is fresh, even if the brain isn't. ;) For starters, I really don't think it's your *artistic* style or content that rankles some people, it's more your hyperbolic self-promotion and borderline plagiarism that does it. Those lovely traits coupled with an arrogance seldom found in Frenchmen don't make you any friends either. Another thing: quantity really *does not* equal quality in the visual medium any more than it does in any other endeavour, in fact, it's usually very much the opposite. Sure Michelangelo could have painted the Sistine chapel in a couple weeks if he'd used a roller and stencils, but somehow I don't think the effect would be the same. So you're prolific. Great! Big whoop. How many of those multitudinous works you speak of are any damn good? Yeah, I realise you're already convinced that you're a "king of art" so don't even bother answering that one. You say you that in regards to holding an opinion on your work that "if you are not a(sic) artist you cant(sic) really judge because you are not in the know" as well as the bold statement that you are "one of the best new aritst(sic) from 2002 on." I ask, whose vaunted opinions are these pray tell? Yours? Some sycophantic fan's? While I think you have not inconsiderable talent, I wouldn't consider even your best four-thousand-dollar work worthy of hanging alongside a Matisse, Renoir, Gaugin, Van Gogh, Picasso or any of the REAL masters' works. Hell, I very much doubt that you're even in the same league as the forger Tom Keating. (Incidentally his forgeries are worth quite a bit in their own right nowadays) Sorry, but that opinion's unassailable as far as I'm concerned. Maybe when you're dead and buried I might have cause to revise my opinion. We'll see. :) So you're making a living from your art. Great! That's a rare and wonderful thing. But you're awfully "ignit"(sic) if you actually believe your own sales pitch about how awesome and absolutely in a league of your own you are. I'll say it again, start by letting *other people* tell you if your stuff is any good, and don't loudly tell everyone that they had better see the Emperor's New Clothes in your work or risk your angry highschool invective, OK? Here's a newsflash: you absolutely *DO NOT* have to be an artist to appreciate art (or lack thereof). This much ought to be obvious to you if for no other reason than the fact that non-artists buy your paintings for up to (allegedly) $4000. Personally I don't think there has ever been a problem with artists ripping off or copying "Family" art. The problem's been with Tamar (et al) tracing Boris Vallejo's (and to a lesser extent Rowena Morrill's) paintings and claiming she received the inspiration for her pictures "in prophecy." I do agree with you on the suck-ass quality of Family art (and artists!), though.(reply to this comment) |
| | | | From ameliaus Thursday, June 16, 2005, 08:01 (Agree/Disagree?) I know a few artists whose rapid fire, often rhyming self-promo is only equaled by the outfits. Usually really prolific. I'm adding to the group here. True, I lived on my art exclusively for over 10 years before getting sick on ANY kind of fumes, and I have found no pattern in appreciation, taste and sales. Au contraire actually. Art for $ is commercial art, essentially; an oxymoron.(reply to this comment) |
| | From true Thursday, June 16, 2005, 18:20 (Agree/Disagree?) word...... it is random like life i only wish that i would randomly find some colectors that would pay me enough that i could live off and there by have all day to paint and paint..... on another subject there are active family homes with top leaders in san diego i feel we as ex mebers are at war with the family and should do any thing we can to fight them so in that light i invite any one to call them and make them scared tell the the anticrist is coming or what ever they are all ingnit ...... the family homes no. is 619 468 3045......... maybe ask them if they will send us cash in excange for us not wiping there ass..... hahahahaha...... dude for real dont talk to me about it why dont you take it to jesus........ hippy cult sex wack sick ingnit family people..... you make me sick.... no for real you make me sick...... (reply to this comment) |
| | From roughneck Tuesday, June 14, 2005, 14:40
    (Agree/Disagree?) My dear true, Last night I spent considerable time trying to make my point(s) without giving needless offense, and now I wish I hadn't bothered with mollycoddling you. Your above post proves to me beyond a shadow of a doubt that you're at least as "ignit" (I assume that means "ignorant" in Wigga-nese) as you accuse everyone else of being, if not a whole lot more. Or maybe it's just the paint fumes that have turned the vestiges of your brain into emmenthal. Which is it? "whana battle i only test the best....." So you saw "8 Mile" too, huh? Sorry, buddy, on top of all the rest, Marshall Mathers you ain't either. In case I'm less than crystal clear on this: You aren't clever, particularly smart (if the rest of what you have to say is represented by your comments in this article, that is) or even half as talented as you imagine you are. So why don't you go and crawl back under your bridge now like a good little troll and leave the grownup discussions to grownups? Why don't you put your money where your mouth is and get yourself a life sentence for wasting some Family members already? I'm sure your cellblock paintings executed in the finest human faeces will be a real hit with the corrections officers & your fellow inmates. Speaking strictly for myself, I can't think of anyone out there (in the cult or not) that needs killing badly enough that I'd be willing to go to jail for it. In short, I wouldn't trade my life to end their worthless existence. But hey, maybe your life is worth less than a cultie's to you. Me, I could care less what you do about this, but either way, put up or shut up. To sum up: fuck you, your precious hackneyed art, your bloated ego, your running mouth, and the cock you rode in on too. Come back when you have something useful, insightful, funny, informative, entertaining or even legible to say, and kindly stop with the 4th grade level logorrhea, posthaste. In other words, quit making this community look like it's filled with raving looney-tunes SoCalWigga4Life 13 year old psychotics. Thanks a bunch! (now) Sincerely pissed off, Rough.(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | From Cultinvator Monday, June 13, 2005, 23:48 (Agree/Disagree?) I think it's cool that you're explaining yourself, but I wouldn't sweat the cheap remarks some people made about your art. I've seen your art, and I consider you one of the true artists of our complex generation. when all some of our peers got for art education was 'you can draw' where you're taught to draw within the lines, or 'by numbers' their perception of what is artist integrity is a bit dogmatic. I like your renditions of Van Gogh especially. It's cool to have you in this part of the world. -Jono-(reply to this comment) |
| | from true Sunday, June 12, 2005 - 10:30 (Agree/Disagree?) the family AKA the cog with there art as well as with every thing they do are like the comunist or hitler they will not let any thing that is not in line with what they want the blind folowers to see to get though. the family never really let me study real art and i was one of the best family artist i was trained by eman artist and willing david burger hated modern art and he hated hip hop too bad all the thngs the family likes are all weak and sick i hope the familyis stoped once and for all the family is full of sick fucks true (reply to this comment)
| | | From true Sunday, June 12, 2005, 13:45 (Agree/Disagree?) finshed over 60 oil paintings this year and draw over 100 drawings and water colors every few weeks. have sold 40 paintings this year have two galarys with my work and since i started to be a true artist in summer 2002 have done 539 oil paintings and i lost count of the works on paper. van gough did 300 paintings before he shot him self only sold one in his life time for about 80$. ricky shot him self too i guess he is not in bad company. some of the most rembered people have taken there life into there own hands. RIP TO THE REAL PEOPLE THAT MAKE SOME THING HAPPEN AND THEN END IT............ true (reply to this comment) |
| | | | From Lance Monday, June 13, 2005, 04:38 (Agree/Disagree?) Nice! Tell me True, have you plagiarized any art recently? Your name somehow reminds me of a quote by Jack Sparrow, from Pirates of the Caribbean. "Me, I'm dishonest, and a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest... honestly! It's the honest ones you want to watch out for, because you can never predict when they're going to do something incredibly... stupid."(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | From true Monday, June 13, 2005, 06:00 (Agree/Disagree?) there is a lot i can say on this but i may be wasting my time on some on a ingnit as you you know nothing about art you know a little about movies good you should watch more then you may stop thinking like a family person and why dont you listen to some hip hop music and listen and learn fool......(reply to this comment) |
| | From Sir Rantalot Thursday, June 16, 2005, 11:50 (Agree/Disagree?) Oh, YA??? Well why don't I make you gain first-hand experience of the symptomatic treatment of piles? It'll look good on your CV, you know.. Or show you your own internal organs at work? Tell you what, I'll make a ready-made sculpture masterpiece consisting of your severed head, a broken washing machine and a sink plug, placed inside a huge soup pot, and the title will be: "In The Beginning...". Hope to meet you soon, exhibit on display n. 45. (reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | From neez Monday, June 13, 2005, 03:11 (Agree/Disagree?) lol.. so you're right up there with Van Gogh because you've sold more paintings then him!? I guess 'quality, not quantity' isn't a concept you've quite grasped yet. But on the bright side, should you die anytime soon, your paintings will probably increase in value by at least 10%. Might not be a bad investment after all xolox.(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | From true Monday, June 13, 2005, 20:37 (Agree/Disagree?) dude as much as i would like to hate on you haters on the real your kind of funny. so whats up still i hope that you and i have the one thing that matters in comon and that is a hate for the real evil the family and a love for the turtle the west got the best weed sticky green no seads know what i mean????? true (reply to this comment) |
| | From roughneck Monday, June 13, 2005, 21:28
    (Agree/Disagree?) Dude, as wonderful as person as you undoubtedly are in real life, you're lowering the collective IQ of this site every time you post. My advice is as follows: 1) Learn to spell, or at very least consult a dictionary when posting comments using polysyllabic words. Please. This is not a flame, nor meant to be insulting, but your comments are damn near unreadable sometimes. In a similar vein, do learn which puntucation marks go where, and use them accordingly. I realise you had a shitty education like every other cult kid your age, but there comes a time when playing that card just becomes a pathetic excuse instead of a bona-fide reason. It isn't rocket science, brain surgery or nuclear physics, it's basic grade school grammar that 10 year olds (eventually) get the hang of. No, being a stoner isn't an excuse either. Well, OK, maybe it is a little bit, but cannabis can only explain so much, mkay? 2) Stop flaming Lance already. The first 40 or so times you called him a fag were halfway amusing, but now it just looks like you have a grudge on the guy for not sharing your gushy appreciation for your art*. Get used to it: there's no accounting for taste, (I won't post the latin version of that saying, as I think Joe (just plain Joe) will sue me for plagiarism) and you won't make people love your creations by being a jackass. 3) Let *other people* refer to you as a "master" artist or whatever you've been styling yourself as. I know painters are meant to be quirky, (in fact I think it's de rigueur) but the way you describe yourself just sounds like self-aggrandisement from here. Yes, I would say the same if Van Gogh/(insert other painter) was doing as you are. No, there's no nead for breast-beating humility, just a slight muting of your loud and frequent self-promotion on this site. All that being said, I thought that a few of the pieces that you showcased previously on movingon.org were a little bit of alright. Why'd you take them down? *To clarify, I think it's perfectly acceptable (ie not forgery) for an artist to do reproductions of famous pieces, as long as you aren't trying to pass them off as your original ideas. Clearly denoting this when displaying your work is important, IMHO, otherwise you risk being labelled another run-of-the-mill plagiarist. (reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | From true Tuesday, June 14, 2005, 00:25 (Agree/Disagree?) no one i should learn to speall. but im not a writer am a artist i work at a paint store and i did teach computer graphics at a college and work at graphics for top companys in san diego and hollywood for 5 years. i wish i had more education but that is one of that things i should have learn in the time that was stolen from me by the family..........now i only have time to paint learn about art and work my ass off for not enough cash to even wipe my ass with........who ever lance is who cares.........3 yo if i dont say im the best who will. a artist must self worship its better than worshiping god or grandpa or the mo letters........the reason that they are taken down is because the internet sucks for art you have to see my work in the real to really see it size color and texture can not be seen in a photo,and i come to this site to talk about how much i hate the family not art. yet a artist is who i am so i will represent.......last i dont think you have seen much art but every artist has his reasons. first if you cant tell one of my paintings is a copy of another artist then you dont need to know you ignit go drink some more beer smoke weed watch TV.... but if you could tell then im Clearly denoting that this work that is now a work by me, is a art work after Van Gogh or some other painter...and i do not name my paintings they have only numbers this is to show that not only one work by a artist is his master peece but his whole life's work seen together. in that a artist is never finshed with his work till he is dead..... oh one more thing im glad for the not guilt in the jackson trial, but i hope the real abusers the family are locked up for life...... true (reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | From roughneck Tuesday, June 14, 2005, 02:01 (Agree/Disagree?) Damnit true, I was trying to get to bed here, and you had to go and reply to me... Like yourself, I am an inveterate ranter. --And apparently an insomniac this evening as well. :) "if i dont say im the best who will." Of course, it's a free country, and you're welcome to assert what you please about yourself, however inaccurate and overblown that opinion may be. By the way, the reason I think a lot of current recording artists suck ass is that they can't get off their masturbatory head trips long enough to be half-assed original, forever stuck in an auto-fellative loop singing paeans to their own greatness. Rappers are especially notorious for this (Is this why you affect the "wigga" talk maybe?), and apparently painters are likewise afflicted with the I-am-so-fucking-awesome-I-should-be-your-god delusion. If I were you I would spend more time creating works of art that don't need a "respect me, mortals, for I'm a master!!!" introduction, but WTF do I know? I'm not saying that you suck per se, just that you're possibly the most unabashedly (in truth, offensively too) narcissistic person I've ever encountered, in real life or online. Yeah, JoeH included. So congratulations I guess. I only hope that one day you actually attain the recognition of your greatness that you feel is your due. In the meantime, I shall continue to hold your art in the slightly lower esteem it rightfully deserves according to my own tastes. To reiterate, the paintings of yours that I've seen were not half bad at all, but let's get real here: the Mona Lisa they ain't. :) By the way, I believe you're taking an awful narrow view of your art if you honestly think that it can't be appreciated in any other way besides up close and personal. Of course, seeing a picture of a painting isn't the same as seeing it in person I realise, but hey, if it's exposure you want (and if you want the public to recognize your superlativeness, you'd be well served get plenty) photos are better than sweet fuck-all. Maybe use a half-decent camera/light set next time? My 2 bits.(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | From roughneck Monday, June 13, 2005, 22:22 (Agree/Disagree?) Whoops, in #3 I misspelled "need". How embarrassing. I guess even monkeys fall out of trees, as the eminent sage (but not junkie) Just Plain Joe once or twice observed. :) I don't remember the name of the law, but it's codified someplace that every spelling & grammar critiquing internet post must contain at least one spelling &/or grammar error. I guess I've proven that, (yet again!) eh? :) Also, I suppose I should point out before anyone else does, that one ought not try to pass off their reproductions of famous art works as the originals either. (reply to this comment) |
| | | | From true Sunday, June 12, 2005, 13:36 (Agree/Disagree?) the HCS the center of the famil at that time there was a lot of top leaders there. ricky was there peter, gayry,faithy,sara and i even saw david bruger there a few times. i worked for the art department for IVM and did computer graphics for lots of family videos. i heard that most of the teens and YAs that where in IVM at the time have now left the family that may be the only good thing that came out of that time. i rember that they would do meetings for the teens where they would put all the bad ones in the frunt seats and yell at us for hrs on end on how if we ever left we would do drugs go to prison die kill people. well the reson the xmembers do that is because that family fucked up the minds of evey one so much that no one knows how to live in the real world.... true (reply to this comment) |
| | | | from yuck Sunday, June 12, 2005 - 08:46 (Agree/Disagree?) Damn. Not only is it mostly pornographic, it sure is ugly!! I had forgotten how bad their "artwork" was. (reply to this comment)
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