Getting Out : Inside Out
Statement of Karen Zerby | from LTN - Monday, January 31, 2005 accessed 5970 times Many of you will perhaps be reading the latest GN posted on this site. There's a lot of the same old story there but to me what really stands out is the following Statement by Maria. To me this is the real crux of the matter. 160. A number of you have asked how Mama is coping with all of this, so I asked her, and here's what she said: 161. “This is of course a difficult time, as my son, whom I loved dearly, has killed someone who was like a sister to me, and has taken his own life. I have felt deep sadness at their deaths. 162. “Angela was a dear friend of mine for close to 30 years. For the many years she lived with us she was Ricky's friend as well. She lived a beautiful life, one full of love and service for those around her and for God. While I am sad about no longer having her here with us on Earth, I know that she's enjoying Heaven, so that brings me happiness. 163. “Ricky was my son, but I never knew him as Ricky. At the beginning of his teen years he chose to go by the name Pete, a name which he kept until leaving the Family when he was 25. Pete was a wonderful boy-charming, fun to be with. I loved him and he loved me. We enjoyed each other's company. 164. “He left our Home, as a Family member, to go to the mission field. I was proud of him for that. That was the Pete I knew. 165. “In time he decided to leave the Family. He started to communicate with apostate-type former members, including James Penn. It was then that he became Ricky. He started to write terrible things about me and about the Family. I had read things that were very similar before, in letters James Penn and others had written. He was beginning to take on the complaints of others. Pretty soon his letters were filled with foul language, language that Pete hadn't used, but Ricky did. Next came the threats. 166. “While I loved Ricky because he was my son, I was deeply saddened at what he had become. The young man who made a foul-mouthed video saying how he wanted to kill me and how he planned to kill Angela, was not the Pete that I had last seen. He was someone very different. He was Ricky, someone who had changed drastically and had taken on the attitudes of those who wished to use him to their own ends. 167. “I know I wasn't a perfect mother; no mother is, but during the nearly twenty–five years Pete lived with me he was a sweet boy, a loving boy, someone who was happy, who was well adjusted, who had a zest for life. That was my Pete. He became Ricky when he began to rub shoulders with hostile apostates. 168. “The video he made shows what a tortured soul he had become. This was very difficult to see. What he did was a terrible and seemingly unforgivable thing. I know, however, that Jesus died for our sins, no matter how horrible the sin. Jesus died for Ricky‚ too. I know Jesus forgives Ricky and I know that Angela, who is now in Heaven and wonderfully happy, forgives Ricky, and I forgive him too.” |
Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from . Monday, February 05, 2007 - 10:34 (Agree/Disagree?) 'was not the Pete that I had last seen. He was someone very different. He was Ricky, someone who had changed drastically and had taken on the attitudes of those who wished to use him to their own ends.' The irony is that thousands of parents, family and friends who have had their children/freinds etc.. 'join' cults have been saying this for years. (reply to this comment)
| from JustinM Sunday, February 04, 2007 - 06:25 (Agree/Disagree?) Angela was a fucking pervert!! She was laid to rest the way she deserved!!! If you ask me she should have be abused the way she abused other before her last breath left her!!!! (Ricky you did what had to be done) Mama! If I ever come within sight you will know the pain you gave others (reply to this comment)
| | | from unbelievable Saturday, February 03, 2007 - 22:15
    (Agree/Disagree?) Karen it is impossible to believe that you love Jesus, let alone your son. while researching your self pleasure perverted cult, I was appalled as per the twisted minds that people posse today and in centuries past. And as much as I would love to ripe a hole in your behind. I understand the mind of the mentally ill and or those with mental disorder such as your and all the member of the supposed family. "YOU "ALL" NEED JESUS" and not in a sexual way. The devil has raped your minds and you are raping the minds of the peoples. But, "woo the the shepherds that scatter the sheep." The Lord will not count this a light thing. REPENT! from your perverted ways. You have destroyed many lives. May the Lord have mercy on Ricky's life. (reply to this comment)
| From madly Saturday, February 03, 2007, 23:43
    (Agree/Disagree?) Well... your lord didn't "have mercy on Ricky's life" and now he is left with NO life. Although, I know you have good intentions and I feel you are trying to be sympathetic to his/our plight, I cannot stomach the thought of religion being the answer or the punishment to overcome the twisted sick minds of those who torment in the very name you use to condemn them. ‘Devil’, ‘lord’, ‘repentance’; all words I could do without seeing, or hearing for the rest of my lifetime. I appreciate your concern, but your religious overtone bears far too much resemblance of a life that I am trying very hard to forget. (reply to this comment) |
| | from Baxter Tuesday, February 01, 2005 - 02:50
    (Agree/Disagree?) There really is no dissuading the obtuse from assuming the moral high ground, is there? I mean, loving sons do not plan to kill their mothers on account of a bit of interaction with a detractor. And she offers forgiveness as if she is the offended party and not the offender. She cannot at any point grasp the possibility that at any juncture she has been at fault. Someday the boot will be on the other foot. (reply to this comment)
| from movedon Monday, January 31, 2005 - 22:00
    (Agree/Disagree?) “Angela was a dear friend of mine for close to 30 years. For the many years she lived with us she was Ricky's friend as well. She lived a beautiful life, one full of love and service for those around her and for God." It has been said that "beauty is in the eyes of the beholder". here is a definition of beautiful as an adjective from www.dictionary.com beautiful adj 1: delighting the senses or exciting intellectual or emotional admiration; "a beautiful child"; "beautiful country"; "a beautiful painting"; "a beautiful theory"; "a beautiful party" [ant: ugly] 2: aesthetically pleasing 3: (of weather) highly enjoyable; "what a beautiful day" I guess some people define the "abuse of innocent minors" as having lived "a beautiful life". It's not surprising that Angela had no idea why she was being killed. Not to say that Ricky should have taken things into his own hands, but obviously Ricky had a different sense of beauty and must have considered what he went through as a child anything but beautiful to the contrary, to him it was probably just plain old ugly!! another definition: beau·ti·ful ( P ) Pronunciation Key (byt-fl) adj. - Having qualities that delight the senses, especially the sense of sight.
- Excellent; wonderful.
So this also means that Mama/Zerby saw Sue abusing her son as something that "delighted her senses, especially the sight sense". In other words, she enjoyed what she saw and witnessed, so much so that she decided to write a book about it and publish it for the whole world to read "THE STORY OF DAVIDITO" SAD SAD SAD! (reply to this comment)
| | | | | from Which is the Story? Monday, January 31, 2005 - 18:48 (Agree/Disagree?) In all these reams of "GN's," Mama Maria is denying to Family members that Ricky had it rough growing up in The Family. But apparently, as deluded as they are, The Family knows outsiders will look askance on the "liberal liberality" he experienced, and thus apparently felt compelled to tell their academic James Chancellor that Queen Mama Maria *had* apologized, hence on Arizona TV (http://kvoa.com/Global/story.asp?S=2837308) says: "Dr. Chancellor says, "I've read the correspondence between he and his mother. She did make efforts at reconcilliation. She did apologize to him for the pain he endured. That didn't seem sufficient for him."" Hm. Is she keeping this correspondence from The Family? Surely this correspondence must have a very different tone from these latest GNs to qualify as an apology "for the pain he endured" or as an effort at "reconciliation." Interestinly enough, instead of saying the "persecution" is the result of the lying, vitriolic vengeful vindictive vicious apostates, "Chancellor says, "That is not to deny they young people who were raised in the 1980's and late 70's did experience sexual exploitation and difficult difficult childhoods."" What's more, instead of saying that the Enemy will be routed and will regret his attacks through the Vandari, apparently "Chancellor has spoken to members of the sect and he says they are traumatized by what's going on. He also says they will have to face those facts again. There are consequences for what occurred in the past. "Simply asking for forgiveness and seeking reconcilliation is not completely sufficient."" http://kvoa.com/Global/story.asp?S=2837308 (reply to this comment)
| from Jim LaMattery Monday, January 31, 2005 - 08:06 (Agree/Disagree?) Hey LTN- your time would be better spent spending time reconnecting with your children than making comments on Maria's gibberish. Please, set your mind to mending relationships with those that you offended while living under the lie. It's acts we need now, not words. Love, Your Brother (reply to this comment)
| | | From LTN Tuesday, February 01, 2005, 02:33 (Agree/Disagree?) Thanks Jim for always being there for me and thanks for the reminder to stay focused on the important issues in my life at this time. SGA's my brother has been perhaps the main force that pushed me to come out in the open and write my Statement. I'd like you to know, and I think you already know this, but it's not going to be easy for any of your parents to take an accounting for the mistakes of the past. They're going to need a lot of help to make the first step--that's what I did the other day by posting my Statement; it was merely the FIRST step. Now begins the long process of, as my brother Jim above says, to mend "relationships with those that you offended while living under the lie. It's acts we need now, not words." He is so right on and really sees clearly what I need to concentrate on at this point in my life. As some of you know I have 9 children. They are scattered around the States/Europe/Asia. I've got to reach each of them and start an open dialogue of real honest communication. This has got to be done on an individual basis-- one-on-one -- and over great distances. There's a ton of work to do to mend my relationship with each of my children and to get us back to the days when we lived as a REAL FAMILY where we cared for one another above all else and were willing to do anything for each other, a time of honest sharing and open communication. And it's going to take a lot of time and effort. When each of my children left The Family each one landed on my brother's doorstep. He took them in as his own and fed them, nourished them, listened to their heart's cry, lifted them up, and has served as their Dad in my absence. They each have a very high regard for their Uncle Jim and love him and greatly respect him. Jim has had to use the 2x4 effect on me numerous times. He is not afraid to call a spade a spade and to let the chips fall where they may. He's been preparing for this day for the past 30 years ever since he left The Family and had to suffer years of separation from his own dear children because his wife stayed in TF with them. She hid out and fled from him (I even assisted her in this). He searched hard for them and when they finally started reentering his life they where no longer children as he remembered them but now grown young adults. He was heartbroken at their tales of the life of abuse and mistreatment that they suffered while living with their mother and her various "husbands" in TF. It is a sad tale and I think you know the basic story but in any event he has suffered right along with the rest of you. He knows your heart and pain like perhaps no other out there. And, the incredible thing is that he knows the pain that many of your parents are going through, too. Many parents like myself who are blind and deft and dumb and numb to all that we put you our own dear children through because of the results of mistaken decisions to go against our basic instincts of protecting you and loving you at all costs and in the face of all threats. He knows your heart and, thank God, he knows ours (your parents') heart, too. Many of your parents may well need the 2x4 to get them to wake up to the reality of their lives. Some will need more like the loss of a son or daughter. Some may never see it. But I believe that you, their precious children, are going to make it to a bright and great future, and many of you already have. Jim is giving his resources, time and efforts to the cause of bringing a change in the way TF is operating. His heart is to bring peace between every last child, whether in or out of TF, and their parents and see that those who abused you are finally and once and for all held accountable for their crimes. It's going to be a long and hard fight but as Daniel posted elsewhere it will not stop until yours (and our) goals are reached. Joe, I understand your post and I fully respect what you are saying. This is your site. I count it a privilege to have been able to post my Statement here. But, I fully agree with what my brother Jim has said above about where I should be spending my time. Posting more articles on your site is not what I should really be up to now. I should be spending my energy, as Jim mentions above, on other issues more important right now. I can see where you may have smelt a family feud in the making. My brother's post was very direct and toughly worded but if there's anyone on this earth that knows me it's my "little" brother. With that said I'd just like to clarify that there is absolutely no family feud going on here. I fully accept what my brother has said and will take his suggestion seriously. You see someone like me that has been encased for so many years in a mindset of deceit and lies needs A LOT of prodding and banging around by someone like my brother to keep me ever mindful of reality. --John LaMattery (Sr.)(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | from Born Again Systemite Monday, January 31, 2005 - 07:07
    (Agree/Disagree?) Other traits associated with sociopaths: - Does not perceive anything is wrong with them
- Contemptuous of those who seek to understand them
- Authoritarian
- Secretive
- Paranoid
- Only rarely in difficulty with the law, but seeks out situations where their tyrannical behavior will be tolerated, condoned, or admired
- Conventional appearance
- Goal of enslavement of their victim(s)
- Exercises despotic control over every aspect of the victim's life
- Has an emotional need to justify their crimes and therefore needs their victim's affirmation (respect, gratitutde & love)
- Ultimate goal is the creation of a willnig victim
- Incapable of real human attachment to another
- Unable to feel remorse or guilt
- May state readily that their goal is to rule the world
I don't know if it helps to understand the nature of sociopathy, but maybe folks will quit expecting something approximating a normal human response from Queen Maria if they can latch onto this concept. The Queen of God's End-Time Army consistently behaves in a predictable, stereotypical manner because she is a person with a profound character pathology. People in TF follow her because she has created willing victims. The selfish systemites she sneers and dismisses in so many of her writings understand exactly what sort of a monster she is. (reply to this comment)
| from Robert Hare's Student Monday, January 31, 2005 - 05:58 (Agree/Disagree?) Putting responsibility for Ricky’s actions on James Penn is the unconscionable tactic of a sociopath. Following is a clinical list of characteristics used to measure sociopathy. I leave it to you to figure out what Maria's score might be. Glib, superficial charm Grandiose sense of self-worth Pathological lying Failure to accept responsibility for own actions Conning/manipulative Lack of remorse or guilt Shallow affect Callous/lack of empathy Parasitic lifestyle Poor behavioral controls Promiscuous sexual behavior Early behavior problems Lack of realistic, long-term plans Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom Impulsivity Irresponsibility Many short-term marital relationships Criminal versatility (reply to this comment)
| From Monday, January 31, 2005, 06:24 (Agree/Disagree?) Guilty on all counts and more. Rape (forcing sex on a minor-minors can't give consent)Ricky couldn't give consent at 18mths old, nor could he "complain" "murmur" or stop these events from occuring. When he raised his feelings of doubt he was met with denial, confusion, and intolerance, rejection. Might that have something to do with his state of mind Zerby? You are not right, you don't hear from the Lord, you haven't a clue how to treat people in a loving or respectfull manner, let alone a vunerable child. You are full of pride, arogance and condemnation. Yes as a child he may have een loving and "happy" He may like I, have thought that sexual abuse was love, WHY, because you told him so! What child doesn't want to elieve that their parents don't love them? You can't keep people like children, they grow up, IF and WHEN you let them.If you create the surroundings that are bennefical to their development, you DO reap the results. YOU have NOT! Simple. You and your ilk didn't allow us to have a childhood, you made sure of that. A child needs time to play, to explore, to imagine...I got "ShUT UP" "STOP DAYDREAMING" "STOP FROWNING" All along using the Devil and "Systemites" to scare your following. When I got sick, my mom was told it was ecause of her "lack of faith" Yes she lacked faith, faith in you and your false phrophet of a peadophile. She lacked faith that she couldn't witness her daughter being used as a sex toy the way she felt used by the men and throiugh FFing. Of course Ricky would grow up and be different to what you remember of him as a child. Thats whats supposed to happen "Put away childish things" You really don't know your bible do you? Of course he would use his brain, just because he didn't want to have a brain like yours, you can't stand it. You have turned power hungary, an egomaniac, twisted and dilusional. Not to mention thick as a rick!(reply to this comment) |
| | from LTN Monday, January 31, 2005 - 04:26 (Agree/Disagree?) She's still running from the truth that it wasn't some sudden change that was brought about by Ricky's contact with so-called apostates that drove him crazy but, rather, his life as her child. Had she raised him up in the proper way he NEVER would have killed her friend and then himself. She's so unable to accept the blame. What a sad old woman. Well, this is your site and I thank you for letting me post. BTW I just want to say how PROUD I am to be aligned with you so-called apostates. I like the Greek apostats, from aphistanai, which means to revolt. (reply to this comment)