Getting Out : Inside Out
The Family as a Financial Power | from Jules - Tuesday, November 04, 2003 accessed 1833 times After decades of pretending not to care that they were so very poor, the Family finally has become a little envious of the other well financed and well managed NRMs (it gets embarassing when Scientology has to pick up the tab at every cult benefit dinner). A few years ago, Family leaders published a series of publications which stated that God had promised them that they would become a financial power. Would the road to wealth come from hard work, wise investments and careful planning? Not likely. Like any good scam, the plan was to target people with money and vulnerabilities. “Reach the Rich”. Fast forward to 2003 and things have not worked out so well. The Activated magazine is not exactly the must have consumer item that the geniuses in WS thought it was going to be. The Family is in a deep financial crisis, and of course, it’s due to lack of obedience to God on the part of the rank and file members. The most tragic irony is not even that our parents will now be helpless and dependent on us to provide for them as they reach their golden years, but that the Family had 30 years to reach the rich—their own children. From a purely monetary standpoint, their own children were the best investment they could have made, and it was completely squandered. The determination and ambition of many of us who have left never ceases to astound me. Despite overwhelming obstacles such as not even a basic education, complete abandonment by many of our parents and lack of even the most basic preparation for life on the outside, we have struggled our way through school, into professional careers and are determined to succeed. All of this has been in spite of our parents, not because of them. In some alternate universe there are also a group of parents that decide to “drop out” and live a communal and fanatical lifestyle. However these parents also decide to be parents to their children and to support and care for them. These children are well educated past the age of 10 and are encouraged to pursue higher education. Their parents nurture their self esteem, and would never dream of shipping them off to victor programs to break their spirits and make them easier to dominate. They are protected from abuse and harm and cherished and loved. It is not easy for these parents, but they make sacrifices for their children because that’s what being a parent is about, and they value each child as an individual person, not as their own property, little fundraisers or personal guinea pigs. It’s also 2003 in this universe, and this group is flourishing. The children have grown up and have also gone on to be doctors, lawyers, academics and professionals. They however did not have to fight against their parents or leave the group to do so. They did not have to run away in the middle of the night, or be locked up in a trailer for reading encyclopedias. Some of these children have founded charities and work with the less fortunate at home and abroad and their work is supported and efforts applauded. These young people have memories of a warm, loving, albeit eccentric childhood, and they love their parents dearly. Money is not a concern for this group, and it is a happy and secure place. Despite all the ranting in the Family in our world about education, outside jobs and “serving mammon”, there are individuals in the Family who have always been warranted rather special treatment. These are the people with incomes. Many children were taken from their Family member parents without too much of a fuss (unless the rescue happened to be featured on 20/20). The Family would have never fought so hard for one little boy in England in the custody case of the early nineties had it not been for the fact that his mother came from a very wealthy family and had access to a sizable trust fund. Jeremy Spencer, despite his mediocre lyrics, vocals, art and music in general, always enjoyed favored musician status, and in a group where almost everyone else with talent was beaten down on a regular basis just so they knew that no one was better than the prophet of God and his mistress, he’s consistently had a pretty good time. Why? He receives a considerable amount of royalties from his time in Fleetwood Mac. Chris Mlot is on the board of directors of the Family Care Foundation, and when she barks, the Family in North America jumps. Her husband (Peter’s brother) does pretty much nothing all day, but gets access to anything he wants. Could it be that she is deeply spiritual, a leader in the Family, has paid her dues and slowly gained trust through the painful process of living with Berg and Zerby like Gary did? Guess again. She is a medical doctor, and an executive of an HMO in California. Without her, the Family Care Foundation was a lot of high school dropouts and freaky cult uncles. The Family’s side of the British court case was funded by a man known to us as Bill. He was married to Judy Woods, who he met when she was prostituting for the Family, and their adopted daughter attended school in a Family home in the UK. Judy made it quite clear that her education had better be up to standard. This home (which I also happened to live in as a teenager) did not teach their children from Superworkbooks. We had access to real teaching materials, and the education of the children there was actually a priority. I was a teacher for the older children and they learned political science, high school math, advanced grammar, and other things that would have (and did) land me in trouble learning myself, let alone teaching. A TV financial expert once said that the difference between the rich and the poor is the ability to delay gratification. Like a Jerry Springer final thought, that has stuck with me. You have to wonder about the intelligence of a Divine Guide who doesn’t think to tell his elite troops that rather than give that child over to be raped and molested, perhaps they should invest in her, because she will one day be a supreme court judge. I don’t know, perhaps He should lay off the sex with all those brides for awhile. Rather than study, play and develop, we all (except Ne Oublie) were sent to toil away cleaning, raising our brothers and sisters and to sexually service the adults, for compensation that would make Nike look humane. It made the life of the adults pretty cushy at the time, (I mean honestly, how much work does it take to create the schedule) but if they could have seen the potential in each one of us, and rather than sending us on yet another Christmas debt reduction push, they had sent us to school and (here’s the twist) supported us, the investment would have absolutely paid off. When you have 15 children, at least one of them is bound to make it, and there would be a Dr. Chris in every family. After too much Monthy Python one night I told my parents about our plan to donate them to medical research when they got old and feeble. They failed to see the humor, but have started to make preparations for themselves. I guess that’s something. |
Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from Rog Monday, November 10, 2003 - 14:08
    (Agree/Disagree?) I think you're quite right about most of the things you wrote, I guess it's normal for cult leaders to keep their followers from studing or getting an education, otherwise they wouln't have followers, people who think or believe that god is talking through Maria and follow with out questioning. I mean who in their right sence will watch or not a movie according to what the grave vine oracules have to say about it; only simple, elementary ignorant people who are willing to let down their poor children who no longer want to live the way tey do... who would''pray against'' their children as soon as their leader tells them to, just because they chose another way to go... if anything I feel sorry for them at list the ones who are honest and haven't known any better, but those who manipulate and take advantage I hate them all. if you take a look at the family FGAs the ones who have a university degree are few in fact I think I met 3 or 4 of them and they were part of the ''leaders circule'' The problem was that they tried to do the same with the SGAs, keep them from getting educated, and most of us end up leaving cause we don't want to follow blindly a cult leader nor we want our children to do so. Now they see some of us as potencial enemies, some of these former drugadict get this horrible pictures about their kids being devils and stuff...how stupid...but we at list me have no time to worry about what the family thinks or is into and don't really care, but I know some day they will come to us and ask for our help, and forgiveness, I know they will and I... I might even help... (reply to this comment)
| From catuireal Saturday, February 23, 2008, 05:57 (Agree/Disagree?) I know a couple FGAs with university degrees and although they´re far more intellectually capable than the average SGA (not their fault) I don´t think they put much of that knowledge into practice. Any decent administrative practice and economic common-sense is againt TFI´s theology in one way or another. It only makes these FGAs more arrogant around young people that are denied half of the academic education they got.(reply to this comment) |
| | from Wolf Friday, November 07, 2003 - 06:20 (Agree/Disagree?) You’re a fucking genius, and I’m not being sarcastic! (reply to this comment)
| from Cultinvator Friday, November 07, 2003 - 02:25 (Agree/Disagree?) I like your style of writing; well said. (reply to this comment)
| from Cultinvator Friday, November 07, 2003 - 02:22 (Agree/Disagree?) The Family Care Foundation would have been around, however most of what you said is true. They at least wouldn't have had nearly as much impact without her help. I've been around her, and she ticks me off everytime. Extremely materialistic and manipulative. I couldn't lean against her house's wall without her making an ordeal about it. Definately some royal benefits for those who 'contribute'. Not nearly as 'all things comon' as they usually claim. On the other hand, the Family Care Foundation, although it obviously supports the spreading of their religious views directly or indirectly, it's probably the most consistent branch of the movement, in terms of legitimacy and basic transparency in financial matters. I lived there for about 2 years and did their accounting for all that time. We kept getting this gift from Kawashima in Japan. every month... and I always wondered where it came from. 5 gran faithfully,. They claim that now it's mostly supported by their wedding parties that they hold on the property... ? I don't know. I'm afraid that I don't really agree with the national "faith based initiatives" that receive tax deductions. Religiious Charity has become essentially a business. I know they don't 'tecnically' work for profit, but what makes spreading any 'revealed truth' worth more than being an artist and expressing philosophical or political views? The whole system is skewed. I think that non-profit organizations are great if they provide a religiously neutral aid. It really hits on the argument 'church vs. state'. They make up this 'purpose', milk the members and get all their expenses paid for it. Tax Breaks for Religion is the biggest farce. (reply to this comment)
| From anovagrrl Friday, November 07, 2003, 09:46
    (Agree/Disagree?) I basically agree with your comments on "faith-based" social welfare programs, mainly because it opens the door for religious scams and fraud. I've been exchanging email with one of the major advocates for faith-based social services re: the problem of letting spurious groups like TF feed at the public social welfare trough. The folks who have promoted the faith-based initiative realize they're skating on thin ice and have a public relations stake in keeping religious scams out of their social welfare club. Still, even the most high profile of these faith-based programs have their limitations, i.e., the long-term outcomes for those served by Charles Colson's prison ministry program are questionable. I have given guarded support to faith-based social programs in the past largely because of the potential for outreach these groups could have in the African American community. It remains to be seen, however, how much of the public money flows into the social outreach programs of the black churches. The initiative is primarily sponsored by white, middle-class evangelicals.(reply to this comment) |
| | from xhrisl Thursday, November 06, 2003 - 03:59 (Agree/Disagree?) A well thought out article Jules, and a pleasure to read. (reply to this comment)
| from anovagrrl Wednesday, November 05, 2003 - 17:21 (Agree/Disagree?) Isn't there a policy conflict between preparing for the Second Coming (it's gotta happen any day now) and preparing for your "golden years?" Also, why educate your children if the world as we know it will end in their lifetimes? In other words, getting focused on becoming financially secure, investing in your kids, and delaying immediate gratification to reach your life goals means the Second Coming may not happen as soon as we thought. Karen and Peter will have to do some theological revisionism around the Second Coming if they're serious about achieving financial stability for the group as a whole. (reply to this comment)
| from Joe H Wednesday, November 05, 2003 - 13:13
    (Agree/Disagree?) That was profoundly awesome and brilliant! Jules wins the Sexiest Mind award once again! (reply to this comment)
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