Getting Out : Inside Out
Anyone who is or has lived in Japan... | from Conqueror of Uranus - Tuesday, December 10, 2002 accessed 2779 times Just something out my own curiosity.... Does anyone know exactly what was printed about the Family in the Shukan Bunshun magazine? Better yet, if anyone knows where I can get a copy of the actual articles I would appreciate that alot. I looked for the articles online, but the archives only go back as far as 1998. The Family was also a subject of quite a few late night shows I hear. Watchman and Hart were the informers, so I'm rather interested about the content...... This is purely out of my own curiosity, seeing as we were banned from even thinking about going to the convenience store and reading the tabloids at the time, I'm not trying to dig up old dirt on the Family. |
Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from Oddman Sunday, January 23, 2005 - 03:18 (Agree/Disagree?) I'm also looking for the original shukan bunshun. Does anybody have it? Also any news clips from the time. Cool that your Japanese skills are up to par there. Lot's of Japanese SG's have difficulty there. I'm up to par tho', home grown 100% Nipponjin. (reply to this comment)
| from Mika Tuesday, December 10, 2002 - 04:12 (Agree/Disagree?) I still remember Crystal Lily in front of the HCS genkan in front of all the reporters "crying," and telling them that she "loved the Family." And I also have a picture somewhere of us picketing in the Ginza with all those signs. Honestly, if I remember correctly, a lot of the stuff that was printed in the Shukan Bunshun was about how David Berg had lots and lots of money in a Swiss account, abuses that were going on in TF, and how us kids weren't getting schooled, etc. While the basis of their information was true, I think it was sensationalised for the media, and caused quite a ruckus. I remember for awhile after that we would have some of the YA guys take turns at night "patrolling" the HCS, and Pyramid because we had reporters hiding in the bushes. The Family then tried a series of "Iesu wa Hikari" (Jesus the Light) concerts, to get the Family's message out to the masses. Even after handing out flyers for weeks for a free concert, only a handful of people turned up. Mostly regular supporters, and homeless people. Too bad. (reply to this comment)
| | | | | from EyesWideShut Tuesday, December 10, 2002 - 03:55 (Agree/Disagree?) It goes without saying that I never read the articles at the time, but I do remember that Miriam came to the HCS--along with a host of reporters--to confront the group regarding her statements in the Shukan Bunshun. Although I didn't read the articles, some of the reporters at the time showed us the magazine and the pertinent pages. There were black and white pictures of Miriam, and something having to do with Philip French, whose father also came to the HCS to "make trouble" in front of the cameras. Unless you can read and write Japanese, your chances of finding out what all was said way back then are pretty slim. I know though that porceleindoll's husband (Toru Suzuki) was the main spokesperson at the time. He would be able to tell you. I'll drop her a note and ask, as I've been curious as well. Good luck, Sunny (reply to this comment)
| | | From EyesWideShut Tuesday, December 10, 2002, 04:21 (Agree/Disagree?) I just called Toru Suzuki and got the skinny on it. Two people's names were mentioned spicifically: Mene and Miriam. The person who went to the Shukan Bunshun and gave them the "hot tips" was Philip French's father. He was there on behalf of ADFI as I remember it. There was not much in the way of personal stories, the majority of the articles exposing general information, ie. how the group is a cult, adult/child sex, etc. A lot of juicy hype and when the dust settled not much fire. Unfortunately I sat in that chair in front of those cameras and said I'd never been abused, worked up tears while I yelled all sorts of almost-obscenities at Miriam, and I recal my disasterous attempt at coolness where I shouted, "get a life". Arghhhhh...the shame. Does that answer your question?(reply to this comment) |
| | From Conqueror of Uranus Tuesday, December 10, 2002, 04:39 (Agree/Disagree?) More than I asked for... Thank you all for your "insider-information". I turned my research towards Family pubs at the time, and I came across one where on the cover Berg is obviously very angry and weeping to the Lord saying "Destroy these enemies of your children". And in a thought bubble above his head is a building with the sign "Shit Sheet Magazine" on it crumbling. I went down to the 7.11 there it was. The latest edition of Shukan Bunshun. I guess we didn't pray hard enough or something. An eX-N.Korean spy: I saw the videos of the Japanese abduction victims! The man who inspired polititian Yukio Hatoyama! Baseball star Nakamura's 60minute private confession! Still very much alive and publishing the same "sensational" shit. (reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | From a random guy with a computer Friday, January 03, 2003, 06:48 (Agree/Disagree?) I know your sister Aichan Benji. Your Christian's kid right? I think I have a vague idea of who you are, but I believe you were much younger than me and that I didn't give a fuck who you were at the time. Sorry :) But if you have some time, tell me what happened to your oldest brother. I am curious what So is up to. mailto:rand_guy@hotmail.com I knew Aichan in both japan and taiwan and i'm sure she remembers me but we were not very close. You have a sister Celeste that I also remember living with. Your dad sure was the king when it came to number of kids... :) Ai-chan of Seiko I believe I know her as well... though its been a LONG time. If I have the right person, I remember her dad johnathan very well. As for her “punk ass brothers” I remember them both, but for the life of me I can't remember the older ones name. The youngest one was Yuto right? Ai-chan was just about my age and I remember seeing photos of us together when were toddlers. Hmm, also we were 'victors' together, but other than that I don't know her well. I know one girl is still in the family who i've recently talked to who might know where she is. And Mika I believe know you too, though not well. I remember you from the HSC. Fight attendant? Whats up with that? From what I remember about you, I figured for sure you were going to be a journalist or something... I remember being in a class taught by this guy Gabe, and we had this writing competition. And I recall you winning some sort of honors. And Sunny of course I know you... though i'm sure just about everyone does. It was cool seeing photos of you timo and brandon. I recall doing some “child care” detail while I was living with you just before I left, and I had to take care of that little guy a few times. But I don't really want to tip my hand any further as to my identity. :) You other people: I don't know who you are because, but only because you don't have any photos up. However, I seriously doubt there is a family member who ever lived in damn country that I never bumped into at least once. I actually only stumbled onto this site only today. Rather a bizarre vibe going on here. (Frankly, some people on the site seem werid... Thought I don't know if I can blame them. ). Reading what Davidito (Ricky?) posted on this site, talking about his own life on a level we never even heard about before... That just fucking blows me away. I left when I did (5+ years ago) because I had superficial issues with the family on various levels. (Actually I think its fair to say that they actually had more issues with me than I with them) But HOLY SHIT, I had no idea it was that fucked up. I literally believed this whole fucking time up right until today that all those allegations about the family were false. Was I just naive? Or was this the case for most people? I guess I must have been VERY sheltered. I've been out of the family for a while now (5+ years), and I thought I had done a pretty good job of clearing my head about my past and putting it behind me. So this is sort of an upsetting find for me. Well, I'm sure you forum regulars have to read the lunatic rants from people like me who just discovered this website all the time. And I apologize. But I quite floored by the stuff I have read here today. I don't even remember exactly why I thought it would be a good idea to search the web for information about the family. I guess I was just feeling nostalgic. But google brought me here. This post is getting a bit long. I guess I don't even know if this post will ever get read since the original post I am replying to is so old. Anyway, its been nice talking people I've run into before in japan; Even if it's only one way. At least I can tell someone! And now I think I will just slip back to anonymity... later(reply to this comment) |
| | | | From Mika Sunday, January 05, 2003, 19:35 (Agree/Disagree?) It's funny the things we remember about people. I'd almost forgotten that I used to try to memorize the entire dictionary. You brought back memories of me, Jamie, and Gabe memorizing all the capitals of all the countries in the world. I can still see Jamie's smiling face yelling out "N'Djamena" (with extra emphasis on the "N"). Oh anyway, I guess I always enjoyed traveling, so yeah, journalist may have been a good choice. Being a flight attendant, however, is just as fun. I've had more fun in this job than I've had anywhere else. The truth is, I'm not really as smart as I thought I was back then. I'm of average intelligence, but I'm constantly striving to learn something new. Whoever you are, random guy, I hope you're doing well, and life is treating you kind.(reply to this comment) |
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