from sarafina Sunday, April 02, 2006 - 20:44 (Agree/Disagree?) Just curious, who is the writer doing the article? Last year a few SGA's and I did a article with them as well, the editors name was Lisa Dabscheck, she did quite a well written piece and has done a lot of research and spoken with many already. We've also given her much material already including copies of the Dito book ,the flirty fishes, teen trainging ect. It would be good ( if it's a different person) to put her intouch with Lisa and her reaserch person as we gave them more matierial then they could use in one article. The article published can be found here. With the the pictures we gave them. Two of her staff actually flew out here to the USA with a photographer and met me here in my home to copy and picture some of the material, I know they interviewed a few SGA's out in Ausi as well. Let me know if you'd like to get intouch with her. Sarafina (reply to this comment)