from Anthony - Monday, July 22, 2002 accessed 1592 times How extreme does an abusive situation have to become before one does something to stop it? Some people are of the opinion that if you have not been put in a gas chamber, burnt at the stake, tortured, castrated against your will, stabbed, shot at, raped, suffered the inhumanity of war, starved to death or suffered any other form extreme abuse, either physically, psychologically, mentally, sexually or otherwise, you have not really suffered. Furthermore, they claim that you should not speak out about your personal suffering, because (they say) others have gone through worse. What these individuals fail to see is that most of the horrors mentioned above were not “born” in one day. Take the Jewish holocaust for example. Hitler did not wake up on Monday; decide that he did not like Jews, then massacred six million on Tuesday. It started out as an idea, which was allowed to grow and spread. If it had been attacked in its infancy, chances are the holocaust would not be a part of out world’s history. Similarly, if our parents had attacked Berg’s ideas back in 1970, it is conceivable that the group would have died out before becoming what it is today. Yes, we, the second generation of the COG, have not suffered through many of the atrocities mentioned in the opening paragraph, but we have suffered. How long must we wait until we take action and/or expose the COG for what they really are? Do we have to wait until Zerby and company become even more demented before we do or say anything? This is our holocaust, our pain, our lives and that of our loved ones, and I believe many people will agree with me when I say that we have had more than enough and we will do what we can to halt it, right now. As someone else on this site wisely said something to the effect that this is the pain we know, and that’s why we’re speaking out about it. If I had been falsely imprisoned at the bottom of an ocean liner and lived to survive, you bet I'd be exposing this form of torture in detail. I believe that we all seek justice, and some of us (not all) seek retribution/revenge, I for one do. We will speak about our experiences for whatever reason we so choose, and we will not allow anyone to keep us from doing so. Regards, Anthony |