Getting Out : Seeking Justice
Elderhaven | from Blondie_B78 - Sunday, January 16, 2005 accessed 1547 times The tragic circumstances of last week have bought many things to light. I am more desperate than ever to help my family who are still in TF to make the break. Have heard a couple people mention that Zerby either bought Elderhaven for her parents or bought them a house in a retirement village. Recent newspaper articles mention Elderhaven as being run by the Zerbys and Angela Smith being on the board but that seems to be it. Is there any kind of record public or otherwise of Zerby buying a home for her folks? Within the past few years TF has discouraged people from buying property (the Lord said "Go ye" not "Buy ye" etc.) and has told members that their retirement plan should be to build a church now that will support them then. With my parents rapidly approaching retirement age my husband and I have often discussed how we can help them. The problem is we are on one income with three kids and a mortgage - not a lot of disposable cash floating around at present. If the rumours are true I am certain none of our parents will be getting similar assistance when they are no longer physically able to work. Hearing about something like this could quite possibly be the proverbial "straw" that helps our family members still in to make the break. If anybody has any info on this or ideas about how to go about gaining more info please post it here. |
Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from neez Sunday, January 16, 2005 - 15:55 (Agree/Disagree?) Yeah this whole Elderhaven thing stinks of corruption.. Apparently the(retired) Rev Eugene Zerby & his wife Florence moved to that location in 1986 which, if I'm not mistaken, was about the same time the cult was first exposed forcing it to officially 'change' certain questionable policies like paedophilia etc... http://www.hometown.aol.com/elderhaven/page3.html One can only guess what 18 years of payoffs is worth. Enough to get whatsherface on the board of directors. (reply to this comment)
| From Monday, January 17, 2005, 08:43 (Agree/Disagree?) I sugest everyone send articles, emails. So Zerby isn't building up her treasures in heaven like she told everyone else to do! She's funneled money into this place and her parents leave it in there will to her and she gets a place to retire. We shall see! Cause I was thinking of a jail to "see" out her last days. A song is coming to mind "No where to run DA DA DA No where to hide..."(reply to this comment) |
| | From Sunday, January 16, 2005, 16:56 (Agree/Disagree?) I see that the life work and pictures of the Rev. and Florence Zerby are still going to come "soon," just like they were a couple of years ago and we are still invited to meanwhile enjoy the Grandma and Grandpa dolls!!! I never got to meet either of my Grandpas and one Grandma because I was a child slave to the pedo "Grandpa Berg." My other Grandma died heartbroken at the moral and physical abandonment of her child. I only met her after I ran away from that hellhole. If she were still alive I wouldn't dream of leaving her in the care of people who raised such a madwoman and are supported by money gotten from so much suffering of those she oppressed.(reply to this comment) |
| | from melzar Sunday, January 16, 2005 - 14:06 (Agree/Disagree?) OOpss..i posted this somewhere else, but maybe it should be here. Couldn't someone simply file a formal complaint, along with evidence and newspaper articles at the local Police Department to track down Zerby? I'd try to do this, but am living in Austria right now. A good way for the authorities to then do that might be to question her parents who should be able to be contacted at: http://www.hometown.aol.com/elderhaven/page1.html (reply to this comment)