from ThinkingDavinci - Saturday, January 15, 2005 accessed 1531 times We can do something really useful with this. We need to do something to further cramp their lifestyle. How about posting a "Wanted" poster? Between all of us there must be either some pictures, or at least someone who knows quite a bit about them can draw a police-style sketch, weight & height estimate- Last seen in- type of thing. Who can draw? Someone who knows them? Can we make this happen? Right now our website has so much traffic from being mentioned in the press, let's get some renderings with DOB/ Offenses, weight, features, etc. Let's make it really difficult for them to get out & live a normal life!! Maybe some of their neighbors will rat them out, & make them answer for this. It's a shame Ricky had to die. It is. Don't you think he wanted a culmination? Don't you think his plan was to somehow bring it back into the press? Crossing State lines automatically involves the FBI. I know he couldn't have handled a trial- But that would have literally ended the whole debacle. There would be subpoenas & extraditions in the case to prove abuse & insanity, & they would end up seriously Wanted internationally. Can we please post a Wanted page???? |