from Jules Thursday, July 15, 2004 - 17:34 (Agree/Disagree?) You yourself do not expose yourself to any action by anything that you post on here. Your actual identity is anonymous and secure and this is the main reason I cannot turn over the technical administration of this site to anyone else, as much as I would like to. I am liable for all the content on here though, and since the company that hosts this web site specifically prohibits adult content, I request that pornographic images are not posted online by users. The content of those publications, while certainly obscene, when taken in the context of the stated purpose of this web site, are not, IMO, inappropriate, so if you want to post them, go for it. You currently cannot post PDFs or Word or text documents though, so you would have to transfer this a text copy and post it in the articles form. Version 3 of this site (which is still coming "soon", I just seem to have less and less time to work on it, sorry) will provide an area for people to upload documents without having to cut and paste. I have a copy of The Devil Hates Sex as well, which I have scanned into PDF format. It's not uploaded right now, as I am still working on the document area of the new web site. I might even have Child Brides, but I would have to dig out my "sick cult crap" file to check. For now, if you have text copies of these documents, feel free to post them. (reply to this comment)