Getting Out : Creeps
something I found... | from Hanna_Black - Monday, November 11, 2002 accessed 2648 times I found this article posted by another person on a completely different website. I don't know where the person got their info from, and if it is true, but it sounded slightly familiar... CHARLOTTETOWN, Prince Edward Island (Reuters) - A 78-year-old former nun was sentenced to eight months in jail for spanking children with a wooden paddle in her care at a provincial commune. Lucille Poulin hugged each of her fellow commune members in court Thursday before she was taken away to a jail in this small eastern Canadian province. Poulin was convicted last month of assaulting five children, ranging in age from seven to 12, for regularly beating them with a wooden paddle. The trial was highlighted by dramatic testimony of the children who said they were beaten for trivial and even unknown reasons, sometimes up to 39 times with a paddle known as the rod. Poulin testified during the trial that children were born evil and the Bible says to beat it out of them. Just before her sentencing, a defiant but emotional Poulin told the judge she was not remorseful. "The blood of those children is not on my hands anymore," she said on Thursday. "I just want to say it is better to obey God than man." The former nun looked after the children while the parents worked in the commune restaurant and on the farm. Poulin's lawyer Zia Chisti said the parents accepted the use of the rod as a legitimate form of punishment to save the children from damnation. |
Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from Talya Saturday, February 01, 2003 - 08:49 (Agree/Disagree?) It doesn't surprise me at all that she was unremorseful for her actions. and the way she answers sounds just like one of our "loving aunties" would have. My brother when he was about 3 years old was beaten by this "uncle" and he had this actual hand-shaped bruising for weeks. Does anyone else know how a shoe-horn dipped in water for added sting feels like? or a plastic fly-swatter. Or having a plastic brush snap in half on your ass? (reply to this comment)
| | | From Pumpkin Saturday, February 15, 2003, 01:00 (Agree/Disagree?) Shoehorns hurt like hell!! I don't know how it feels dipped in water (fucking sick bastards!) but I got the flyswatter on my bare ass a lot and the wooden boards with holes drilled in them and verses written on them. I've had many brushes and wooden kitchen utensils broken while getting spanked. I'm surprized I'm not deformed with all the beatings I got!(reply to this comment) |
| | from gfk_au Wednesday, January 08, 2003 - 00:46 (Agree/Disagree?) wtf??!!! why can't we send our "aunties & uncles" to jail for that shit. And i know for sure i got beaten for no apparent reason sometimes. It was alot more then that too, 100+ sometimes and they even drilled holes in the paddle so it would hurt more. All the while saying the most self-righteous thing that, "I am doing this because i love you." ???? any of you experience this type of "love"?? (reply to this comment)
| | | | | from Mera Tuesday, November 12, 2002 - 13:11 (Agree/Disagree?) So the Family wasn't the only one to spank kids eh? While a swat now and then is necessary at times with most kids - paddles are taking it too far. Serve her right. (reply to this comment)
| From AUS Wednesday, January 08, 2003, 01:07 (Agree/Disagree?) I agree...serves her right, and the parents should be punnished also for allowing it to happen...the senile, sadistic old bitch, bet she gets some of her own medicine where shes goin... BTW, if she gets the shitt beat outta her, does that mean shez full of the devil too?? or is that only is the 'beater' is rightous and full of jesus and all that errr....sort a thing... what a fuked up place the world is eh? (reply to this comment) |
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